Tuesday, June 29, 2010

People React To Condoms For Kids In Kindergarten

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This story is one of two philosophies--two value systems. It is the best of times and the worst of times, depending on what you believe.

For secular progressives entrenched in the experimental social laboratories called public education, it was the best of times.

Veterans Memorial Elementary school in Provincetown, Mass. announced a new "safe-sex" policy which provides condoms to children as young as kindergarten.

The school board voted unanimously to implement the program this fall when classes begin. Superintendent Beth Singer fully supported it.

Last week she told
FOX News, "Children engage in sexuality with or without counseling, with or without condom availability."

She declared the kids would only have to ask a school nurse or counselor for a condom, the child's parents would not be notified, and if parents became aware, there was nothing they could do about it. If parents want to opt their children out, their request would not be honored.

This was kind of a developing story last week that I was following, but had not written about.

When the new policy was first announced, Singer said there was essentially no reaction. She
told Fox she got one call and it was supportive.

Provincetown, known for its beautiful beaches and large homosexual community, was about to be rocked.

A Fox station in Boston
ran a story Wednesday night titled, "Condoms At School" and that's when Singer said, "everything changed."

It became the worst of times for the far left progressives.

By 2 AM, Massachusetts Family Institute issued a statement saying, "Making condoms available to first graders bullies parents to submit to an agenda that promotes sexual promiscuity to innocent children at their most vulnerable age."

MFI continued, "The Provincetown school committee's decision to force this radical and absurd policy demonstrates the lengths to which some will go to emasculate parent's rights and undermine the notion of encouraging children to delay sexual activity."

From there, newspapers and radio talk shows picked up the story and America heard that they were giving little kids condoms on Cape Cod.

By noon, Governor Deval Patrick, who is a Democrat and running for re-election against two conservative candidates, called to complain about the school's decision not to tell the parents.

Patrick then called the Associated Press to tell them he was concerned about counseling and access being age appropriate, and for young kids, that parents be involved." He promised that Singer had promised to, "walk this back a bit."

At 1:42 PM, AP ran the story.

At 3: PM, Singer's secretary says the school board offices were facing "shell shock" from the number of calls they were receiving.

At 4: PM, the school blinked and the chairman of the board told the Boston Globe, "We're going to revisit it."

By Thursday morning Singer would tell FOX that she "knew the policy wouldn't work in every school district around the country, but that in Provincetown it's the correct policy in order to protect kids."

Granted, this is a local issue, but it points to a larger and explosive issue. Public schools are and have been systematically undermining parental authority, while advancing a secular, often experimental, social agenda.

The public is not only fed up with corrupt and double speaking politicians, but a public school system that is, on the one hand miserably failing, while on the other hand, re-educating your kids, striping the moral principals they have been taught in the home, while dismissing your parental authority.

When caught, they usually respond much like the account above.

They have since
modified their scheme to provide condoms only to 5th through 12th grades and parents will now have the right to opt out their children. Not a victory, but a step in the right direction.

If we are vigilant and informed and are unafraid to speak up and call things for what they are, we can pierce the thick veil of political correctness and help bring restoration to a broken culture.
Thank you
for supporting us.

God bless you. Be Informed.

Gary Randall
Faith and Freedom

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