Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Faith and Freedom PAC Strongly Endorses 2 State Supreme Court Justices

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Faith and Freedom PAC Strongly Endorses 2 State Supreme Court Justices

We are strongly endorsing and asking you to re-elect Justices Jim Johnson and Richard Sanders to the Washington State Supreme Court.

Jim Johnson is a constitutionalist, dedicated to preserving the constitution and law as written. He was the fifth and deciding vote in 2006 that stopped the effort to have court ordered homosexual "marriage" in Washington State.

He has consistently defended values and rights that are important to people of faith.

The contrast between Justice Johnson and his opponent is striking. His opponent serves on the board of Planned Parenthood and has said he would have voted in favor of homosexual marriage. His opponent is endorsed by Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and the state Democratic Party among others.

Justice Johnson must receive 50% plus one vote in the Primary to be elected. Please forward this to all on your list.

Richard Sanders is a keen legal mind and understands the fundamental American principles of individual liberty, personal responsibility, free enterprise and limited government.

He is a courageous spokesman for the pro-life movement.

He has long been a target of the left as they have consistently tried to defeat and remove him from the State Supreme Court.

He too, must receive 50% plus one vote in the Primary to win.

It is critical that both these men be retained on the Court. Please forward this to all on your list.

Vote for Johnson and Sanders for the Washington State Supreme Court.

Resist. Reclaim. Repeal. Restore. Rejoice.