Monday, August 30, 2010

Waiting For Mr. Obama

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David Ruiz, a 22-year-old Capitol Hill resident and a UW student, told the Seattle Times Saturday, "It's not that I'm disappointed in Obama, but things haven't really improved much."

Ben Anderstone of Tacoma says he will never forget the excitement during the Obama campaign. "In the weeks leading up to the campaign," he says, "my Facebook page was completely lit up with politics and people debating the various positions on issues, but this year, I'm just not seeing that."

The Seattle Times and other news organizations have developed a narrative thread that is similar and reflects concern---deep concern, for what they see not happening, with many suggestions as to how President Obama and his people can be rescued.

They say midterm elections never generate the enthusiasm of a presidential election. That's true.

They say Obama drew 66% of voters under 30, compared to only 45% of those 65 and older. True.

They say young people tend to not vote in midterm elections, therefore, that could be a problem in November. A problem that is not related to the President's policy failures. Just one of those things.

The New York Times ran their own editorial, "Waiting For Mr. Obama," which began, "If the President has a big economic initiative up his sleeve... now would be a good time to let the rest of us in on it."

The press and the far left kids who voted for him are still waiting. The press not only selectively and carefully covered him during his campaign and into the White House, but also contributed heavily to him.

You won't be surprised to know that Obama and the Democrats got 88% of the 2008 contributions by
TV network executives, writers and reporters.

While the media worked this weekend to lower expectations regarding the outcome of the November elections, sought to blame others for Obama's policy failures, including American politics itself, even they opened the door to the possibility that things may change this year.

While Anderstone's Facebook page may not be active, others are. Dino Rossi has nearly 35,000 followers on Facebook, while Patty Murray has less than half that many.

It isn't just old guys (65 and older) that are energized. Justin Bryant, former president of University of Washington College Republicans says, "We're seeing more students stand up and say, 'I'm a Republican and I don't like what's going on.'"

Bryant told the Seattle Times that there is a large number of Republicans at UW even though it is a liberal campus. I also know there is an active group of young Republicans in Spokane.

President Obama has accomplished 2 things so far.

First, through broken and unkept promises, he has tamped down the enthusiasm of many of those who elected him. The word dreams he painted have vanished with the light of truth and day.

Second. He has shown many of us what can happen when people of faith and conservatives don't vote. With his far left socialistic policies, his cynical disregard for America's exceptionalism and his radical support for abortion and the homosexual agenda, he has galvanized conservatives and people of faith.

The New York Times editorial board in "Waiting For Mr. Obama" suggest two things to the President:

HARD TRUTHS and BIG IDEAS. Hopefully their wait will expire in November of 2012.

I think there is a growing number who feel the President is capable of neither. And change will begin this November.

Be Informed. Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Prayerful. Be Active. Be Blessed.

Gary Randall
Faith and Freedom

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