Thursday, March 03, 2011

High Court Bars "Christian" Foster Parents

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A Christian, married couple, Owen and Eunice Johns, who, because of their religious beliefs, could not agree to affirm homosexual relationships and behavior, have been deemed by the High Court as unqualified to foster parent kids---even though they have successfully done so in the past.

Lord Justice Mumby and Justice Beatson, from the UK High Court, handed down a landmark ruling earlier this week suggesting that Mr. and Mrs. Johns' traditional Christian beliefs on sexuality are "inimical" to children.


Webster says it means, "hostile; unfriendly; in opposition."

The UK Derby City Council had blocked the Johns' foster parent application earlier because of their biblical beliefs which kept them from affirming the practice of homosexuality to a child. The Johns are well known in the community and are Pentecostal Christians.

They told the press, "We have been excluded because we have moral opinions based on our faith."

Isn't this religious discrimination?

"No," the judges say. "There has been no religious discrimination," because they were excluded because of their MORAL views on sexual ethics, rather than their Christian beliefs."

The Judges added that the right to manifest religious belief outlined in the European Human Rights Act was only a "qualified" right.

Their ruling also implicitly upheld a charge brought against the Johns by the homosexual activist group Equalities and Human Rights Commission, stating that children risk being "infected" by Christian moral beliefs.

BBC News religious affairs correspondent, Robert Pigott, says this is certainly a landmark case.

He said, "This is the most decisive ruling against the idea of Christian values underpinning English law since judges ruled last year that to protect views simply because they were religious would be irrational, divisive, and arbitrary."

The Christian Post quoted Christian Legal Center (who are representing the Johns in an appeal) director Andrea Williams, "If Christian morals are harmful to children and unacceptable to the state, then how many years do we have before natural children start being taken away from Christians?"

How many years...

The Derby City Council welcomed the court's ruling, promising to walk on through the night, while a director of "Stonewall," a homosexual rights advocacy organization in England said, "Thankfully Mr. and Mrs. Johns' outdated views aren't just out of step with the majority of people of modern Britain, but those of many Christians too."

"Out of step with many Christians too."

"Outdated views."

But this is in England, not here. Right?

Today as you read this, in Olympia, there are more than half a dozen bills being nurtured toward being approved by a Legislature in which a majority agree with much of what I have shared with you above. Are we that far down the slope? No, but the stage is being carefully and incrementally set for such a time.

There are senators and representatives in Olympia who boldly and vocally stand against this kind of cultural tyranny every time it rears its head---however, they are in the minority.

As we speak, Sen Ed Murray, Rep. Jamie Pederson and other homosexual activist legislators are working bills through the legislative process, explaining that they are merely adjusting to laws previously past or clarifying what is already on the record in a, "this is no big deal tone of voice."

Some legislators look at their bills individually and see fairness, tolerance, civil rights, etc., and say "Sure, I don't want to be a bigot, I'll vote yes or no as required." But I promise that these bills collectively are setting a stage that will produce a narrative that most really don't want.

We are doing what we can do to sound the alarm, turn on the lights, shout it from the rooftops and the mountain tops and whatever other descriptive metaphor comes to mind. Your prayerful and
financial support allows us to continue.

A cultural battle is continuing to develop, the likes of which we have not seen in this country and in our communities.

"Again, if the trumpet does not sound a clear call, who will get ready for battle?" I Corth. 14:8.

Thanks for helping us blow the trumpet.

Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Prayerful. Be Heard. Be Blessed.

Gary Randall
Faith and Freedom

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