Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Light in the Darkness of Abortion

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South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard signed a law this week requiring woman to wait at least 3 days after meeting with a doctor to have an abortion. This is the longest waiting period in the nation. About half the states have a 24-hour waiting period.

The measure also requires women to be counseled at pro-life Pregnancy Centers.

The Governor says, "I hope that women who are considering an abortion will use this three-day period to make good choices."

The Queen of "choice," Planned Parenthood and her Court, the unhonorable ACLU says, No. That's not the right kind of choice. We will sue.

So Planned Parenthood, who say they are about "choice" and the ACLU who claim they are about" rights," will sue to force women to make a hurried decision without all the information about alternatives to abortion.

I wonder why they are in such a hurry?

Kathi Di Nicola, head of Planned Parenthood in the three state region says Crises Pregnancy Centers are, "sham clinics set up to dissuade women from getting abortions."

Sure, any information that may cause someone to not get an abortion should be against the law.

But her most telling remark was this:

"Pregnancy Centers are often religiously motivated."

Religiously motivated?

Does Ms. Di Nicola have any idea who built the vast majority of hospitals in America? Look at their names. While Seattle may be an exception, most cities have Emanuel, St. Vincent, St. Elizabeth, Presbyterian, Southern Baptist, Adventist, Providence, Redeemer, Methodist... and the list goes on and on, all religiously motivated. In fact, motivated by the Christian faith. I have yet to see a hospital with Margaret Sanger's name on it.

And there are many hospitals that are "religiously motivated" although their name does not reflect it.

Avera McKennan and University Health Center in Sioux Falls, where Nicola's Planned Parenthood is located, is an example.

I have linked their introductory
video. It's what they think is most important for you to know about them. It's only 1:08 minutes. It's titled, "Caring For Life." Watch it.

As you watch it, note the cross on the wall behind the mother and her new born baby. And hear the lyrics of the music they have chosen. "...when all we could do was pray,"..."you have the power within you, granted from above..."

Ms. Nicola. When you become ill or slip and fall on the ice in Sioux Falls, you may not want to allow yourself to be admitted to that hospital.

I think they are religiously motivated.

Thank you, South Dakota, for being a light in the very dark world of abortion.

Be Informed. Be Vigilant. Be Prayerful. Be Discerning. Be Actively Pro-Life. Be Blessed.

Gary Randall
Faith and Freedom

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