Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Earth Day--A Day of Worship or Hypocrisy?

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We published a blog about another botched abortion at an Everett, Washington Planned Parenthood abortion center in March. "Abortion in Washington" found out yesterday afternoon that the patient was a 16 year old girl. You will recall, Rep. Matt Shea introduced a parental notification bill during this session. The Democratic chair person of the committee refused to give it a hearing. Such a notification law could have helped this child.


Denis Hayes rose to prominence in 1970 as the coordinator for the first "Earth Day" and in 1999 was Time Magazine's "Hero Of The Planet".

Hayes was raised in Camas, Washington, and has an impressive bio, including serving as president of the Bullitt Foundation, named for the family that once owned KING 5 TV and other broadcast properties around the Northwest.

"Earth Day," with which Hayes is still closely connected, claims to be celebrated in 180 countries.

I will not speculate on Hayes' motive, although "Earth Day" is only 41 years old, its roots go back to ancient pagan times.

Anyone who has studied the global environmental movement has heard the term "Gaia".

Gaia is a revival of paganism that rejects Christianity, considers Christianity its enemy and views the Christian faith as its only obstacle to the global religion central to Gaia worship and the unity of all life forms around the goddess of "Mother Earth".

The UN and the National Council of Churches have been extremely successful in infusing the "Green Religion" into the international government body that has increasing influence and significance in the world culture.

Gaia is essentially a redefined, modernized version of the paganism condemned in the Bible. Science, evolution theory and some in the space program have given it a new face, making it sound credible in a modern world and educators have run with its message as though it were new, but it is as old as the paganism in which it is rooted.

The idea of Earth as a living, divine spirit was referenced by Plato---"We shall affirm that the cosmos, more than anything else, resembles most closely that living Creature of which all living creatures, severally or genetically, are portion."

The modern "Gaia" hypothesis, however, is credited to James Loveland, who worked for NASA during the 1960's and beyond.

He has been widely read and accepted by those who seek an alternative to the Creator God.

Loveland's theory claims that the earth's "biota," tightly coupled with the environment, act as a single, self regulating, living system in such a way as to maintain the conditions that are suitable for life. This living system, he believed, was a result of a meteor life form that occupied our planet billions of years ago and began a process of transforming this planet into its own substance.

So, according to Lovelock and others, all life forms on this planet are part of "Gaia"---a part of one spirit goddess that sustains life on earth.

From Loveland's perspective, from space, we see not a planet, but a self evolving and self regulating living system.

He named this being "Gaia," after the Greek goddess that was once believed to have drawn the living world forth from chaos.

The Gaia movement has specifically named Christianity as the greatest obstacle to human evolution and our spiritual destiny.

A document mandated by the UN-sponsored Convention on Biological Diversity, The Global Biodiversity Assessment, says Christianity, as a faith, has set humans apart from nature and stripped nature of its sacred qualities. (Global Biodiversity Assessment, Ch. 8.1 Introduction: Concepts of the economic value of biodiversity, pp. 68,69.)

While condemning Christianity as the root of all ecological evil, the document praises Buddhism and Hinduism as good stewards of "Mother Earth."

The "Green Religion" teaches that monotheism (biblical Judeo-Christianity) has separated humans from their ancient connection to the earth and in order to reverse the trend, governments, the media, education systems, artists and all other areas of influence must help revive this earth-centered belief and reconnect us to the Earth's spirit.

Al Gore expands on this belief in his book, "Earth In The Balance." ( pp.258-259)

He praises Eastern religions and new age spiritualism, while blaming Christianity for the elimination of the ancient goddess religion and calls for a new spiritual relationship between man and earth.

Chris Moody, writing for the Daily Caller and highlighting the national Episcopal Church writes,
"Two of the world's holiest religious holidays are set to fall on April 22 this year---Good Friday for Christians and Earth Day for environmentalists---and some religious leaders are preparing their flocks to celebrate both."

The Episcopal Church recognizes Earth Day as a religious holiday.

First Baptist Church in Seattle also recognizes it as such, with special services planned to honor it.

University Baptist, Seattle, also recognizes it.

So does the University of Washington---apparently.

The University of Washington recently sent out the following announcement:

"The Northwest Center for Occupational Health and Safety (NWCOHS) at the University of Washington in partnership with the Mountains and Plains Education and Research, the NWCOHS is pleased to help bring a very special exhibit to the Pacific Northwest, 'Holding Mother Earth Sacred'.

This presentation was held April 8, 9, 10 at Hec Ed Pavilion on UW campus.

It will also be held at the UW Bothell campus, May 16-27.

These kinds of religious events are being held across the state and the country in churches and in public education.

Earth Day is a religion. Certain Christian churches say it is. Leaders in the movement say it is.

The Seattle School Board has said they have a policy that does not permit promoting religion. They recently made this public statement. "We have a 'Religion and Religious Accommodation' policy, approved by the School Board in 1983, stating that 'no religious belief or non-belief should be promoted by the school district or its employees, and none should be disparaged.'"

Why then, are they promoting Earth Day, when its founders say it is a religious day and some Christian churches say it is a religious day and history says it is a religious day?

Is it ignorance or hypocrisy?

Is there a lawyer who will step up and raise this issue?

And why are some Christian churches in the tank with the religion of Gaia or Earth Day?

I'll talk about that tomorrow. I also want to show you a video of a group of college age kids participating in a worship/repentance/therapy service in the forest. It is both stunning and heartbreaking.

God help us.

Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Active. Be Prayerful. Be Blessed.

Gary Randall
Faith and Freedom

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