Monday, July 11, 2011

Sarah Palin: "The Sugar Daddy Has Run Out Of Sugar"

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Sarah Palin, as usual, was very direct this past Saturday in a column she wrote on Facebook.

Saying the "Sugar daddy has run out of sugar," Sarah Palin said Saturday, "Barack Obama’s big government policies continue to fail. He should put a link to the national debt clock on his BlackBerry. The gears on that clock have nearly exploded during his administration. Yesterday’s terrible job numbers should not be a surprise because it all goes back to our debt. Our dangerously unsustainable debt is wiping out our jobs, crippling our economic growth, and jeopardizing our position in the global economy as the leader of the free world."

I seriously doubt that the President will put a debt clock on his BlackBerry and would most likely prefer you not even see the debt clock, much less carry it around in your pocket or purse.

I have linked it below.

She also said, "Most of us don’t see a lot of real leadership in D.C., and it’s profoundly disappointing."

She continued, "But let me tell you where real hope lies. It’s not the hopey-changey stuff we heard about in 2008. Real hope comes from realizing how God has blessed our exceptional nation, and then doing something about it. We have been blessed with natural resources, hardworking entrepreneurs, and a Constitution that preserves the greatest form of government ever devised by man. If we develop those natural resources, allow our entrepreneurs to keep and invest more of what they earn, and adhere to the time-tested truths of our Constitution, we will prosper and endure."

And concluded: "But first and foremost we must tackle our debt. We don’t have the luxury of playing politics as usual. We need real leaders who will put aside their own political self-interest to do what is right for the nation. And if they don’t emerge… well, America has a do-over in November 2012."

I strongly recommend you read the entire column. I also strongly recommend you take a look at the debt clock. These are real numbers in real time.
I have linked Palin's entire column here.

I have linked the national debt clock here. Please sit down and take a deep breath before you click. Note that you may put your cursor on any of the numbers and a brief explanation will be shown.

Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Active. Be Prayerful.