Friday, August 19, 2011

Collision Between Two Worlds

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NBC's Nightly News anchor, Brian Williams, introduced Martin Fletcher the other night to give his report on the riots in London by proclaiming, "More on the anger and hopelessness that's fueling a kind of tale of two cities."

Fletcher then borrowed a line from Karl Marx as he gave his report and explained the cause of the London riots: "It's a collision between two worlds here, the haves and the have-nots."

All three American networks reported in lock step, proclaiming that cuts in welfare and entitlements was the cause of the arson, destruction, theft, beatings and murder as the inevitable reaction to cuts in the British welfare system.

Over the last couple of weeks, the American media has consistently presented what started as a police gun search operation that resulted in an alleged gang member being shot and killed, as a spontaneous emotional flare due to people not receiving enough from their government.

The riots and general deterioration of society is indeed a collision between two worlds, but Marx was wrong. It transcends materialism.

It is a spiritual matter. A collision between right and wrong---good and evil---virtue and vice. Secularism and a spiritual faith. A basis to determine the difference between right and wrong.

A collision resulting from the consequences of a secular, amoral, relative worldview.

Here's proof.

Cal Thomas, the most syndicated columnist in America, examined the rioters motivations and found these responses: "They say they are going to help us, but I don't see any of it. There has to be more opportunities and jobs. Help us at least and everyone will settle down."

Others caught looting stores, when asked why, simply said they viewed it "as a shopping spree."

Thomas writes that as people in Britain bemoan the lack of "values" and vow to get to the bottom of it, the media itself has taken on the mantle of teaching the nation.

He notes that British clergy has, over time, acquiesced "to the whims and failings of culture by justifying abortion, sanctioning same-sex 'marriage' and signing on to other earthly agendas like, environmentalism."

I have linked his column above. Please read it.

The riots in London were not spontaneous. Nor were those in Philadelphia, Kansas City and other American cities.

Secularists have been laying the ground work for some time.

The London Telegraph noted the other day, "It is the result of a major cultural shift that took place in the 1960s and 1970s and the long term decline in conservative values."

The Telegraph also noted, "This process was marked by a collapse in the belief in marriage, a retreat of police from the streets, a move away from tough penalties for property crime, the rise of moral relativism, rampant consumerism, the diminution of stigma as a restraint on bad behavior and the entrenchment of welfare dependency."

Cal Thomas writes, "During previous periods of cultural decline when most political, legal and economic prescriptions were tried and failed, it was left to the churches to remind the public of the consequences for individuals and nations that depart from their source of virtue. Today's British churches too often lack the power to do this. That's because they are competing to see who can bless the culture the quickest."

Well said.

I agree with Thomas. If the churches crave power and approval from below, they will forfeit the power that could be theirs from above.

When pastors and Christian leaders base their stand on moral issues on political advisability and timing, as some did on the "everything but marriage" law and the R-71 response in Washington state, something is very wrong.

When Christian leaders and pastors publicly support political candidates who do not support the most fundamental Christian virtues of the sanctity of marriage and life, suggesting it is expedient to support the lessor of two evils, something is very wrong.

Voting for the lessor of two evils, is still voting for evil.

Is it that important for some pastors to have a seat at the proverbial "political table" that they can set aside fundamental Christian beliefs? Apparently.

Is job security enough to merit silence from the pulpits?

Britain is burning because they have failed spiritually. They have, over time, stripped the Christian virtue from their public life and replaced it with secular relativism and social dependence on government. And too many clergy tipped their bottle and said this isn't something we should be involved with.

The nation has now come to generally believe in nothing. But they admit multiculturalism has failed.

They and other nations are experiencing a collision between two worlds, but not the two Karl Marx understood.

Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Active. Be Vocal. Be Prayerful. Be Blessed.

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