Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Does McKenna Support Legalizing Marijuana?

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I honestly don't know.

However, there are some who are suggesting he has given Initiative 502- an initiative to legalize and regulate marijuana in the state of Washington, a real boost.

Dominic Holden with Seattle's homosexual newspaper, The Stranger, and an apparent supporter of the initiative, says the Attorney General's office did such a good job writing the title and summary of the initiative for the ballot that it actually pitches the initiative in a way "that a campaign would pay a million dollars for."

He says the A/G's work "could buy this thing [Initiative 502] a few points when it goes before voters in 2012."

I am quite certain Mr. McKenna is pro-choice. I am uncertain as to where he really stands on marriage.

Now this. I'm wondering where he stands on the issue. Surely he does not support the legalization of marijuana?

I recall Larry Stickney, Steven Pigeon, myself and others who led the Referendum 71 campaign did not get any million dollar endorsement titles or summaries and in fact, the Attorney General is still committed to releasing the names of those who signed the petitions to homosexual activists who are still demanding them.

Another court trial is scheduled for late September. All petition signer names continue to remain sealed.

Ironically, Dominic Holden harvested names of donors to Protect Marriage Washington from the PDC reports and called them, attempting to have "a conversation."

If you actually know the A/G's position on marijuana, please let me know.

Be Vigilant. Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Prayerful. Be Blessed.

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