Friday, December 16, 2011

Person of the Year: The Protester

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The protester?

For the 84th year, Time Magazine has picked whom they believe is the most influential game changer of the past year.

This year it is a faceless, nameless woman---I believe, representing all protesters.

Not Steve Jobs or Navy Admiral William McRaven, head of US Special Ops that killed Osama bin Laden---it's the Protester.

Time Magazine's first "Person" was Charles Lindbergh in 1927. In 1938, it was Adolf Hitler, in 1943, Joseph Stalin and in 1979---I remember that one, Ayatollah Khomeini.

Managing editor, Rick Stengel, says they choose the person who brings about "transformational change."

But are the protesters we are honoring only those from the Arab world? Many of whom are terrorist operatives?

"Oh no," Stengel says.

Ann Curry was wondering the same thing while interviewing him on NBC's Today Show. "Are there links between what happened in the Arab Spring," she asks, "and also whats happening on Wall Street and across this country?"

An enthusiastic Stengel: "Absolutely!"

"There's this contagion of protests...what happened in the Arab world also happened in Occupy Wall Street and Occupy Oakland," Stengel continued.

So it isn't just the "person" under the Arab veil, but those in the streets of America. Those who claim to represent the "99%".

Good grief. Why are we honoring them? Where is the "transformative change" that has come from all that?

Well, I guess they have changed some people's lives.

Blocking people who actually have jobs from getting to work, stopping traffic, blocking retailers from making money to pay their employees, shutting down ports---I guess there is a sense in which that is transformative.

How many deaths were there in their illegal encampments in city parks and streets? How many needles were gathered up as the "People of the Year" left their waste behind, moving from place to place---street to street.

I don't remember how many rapes were reported in the Occupy Camps. So many that in some places shelters were set up to protect and care for those who had been raped.

They sometimes used children as human shields against the police, even, in at least one case placing children on train tracks in order to stop trains from delivering the freight.

Broken windows in stores, broken windows in offices, pipe bombs and even an arrest in Fort Collins in relation to an arson fire that caused $10 million in damage, is all part of the transformative change.

has documented from news sources, the "transformative" results of the Occupiers, the people of the year. It amounts to over $80 million and counting. I have linked their information. It's ugly and profane.

Somewhere in America, a child is helped, the elderly are cared for, the poor are fed and clothed, the sick are healed.

But today TIME Magazine honors the "Occupiers" and other protesters and terrorist operatives in faraway places, because, as editor Rick Stengel tells NBC, "I think it is changing the world for the better."

God help us.

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