Thursday, January 19, 2012

A State Of Moral Vertigo

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ver·ti·go (vûr t -g ). n. pl. ver·ti·goes or ver·ti·gos. 1. a. The sensation of dizziness. b . An instance of such a sensation. 2. A confused, disoriented state of mind.

*A Confused, Disoriented state of Mind.

There is a voice, some say it is a prevailing voice in the state that says "This is the right time" politically, to redefine the oldest human cultural component. The building block of every successful society in history: The union between a man and a woman. Marriage.

The talking points are pretty much the same. The Governor, the homosexual activist legislators, the press, the homosexual community and a few church leaders, with one voice, call for the redefinition of marriage, citing long term loving relationships, fairness and equality as the reasons.

Those who oppose are challenged, mocked and marginalized by the voice. They are said to be out of touch.

Gov. Gregoire has recently conceded that she has suffered a "grieving" process, and found herself conflicted between her faith and the push to redefine marriage. She said it took her 7 years to decide what she believes about marriage and 3 months to write her explanation.

Joel Connelly, a long time columnist for the Seattle PI, wrote earlier this week that the opposition by his church---the Catholic Church, toward redefining marriage left him "perplexed," asking, "is marriage only for procreation?" And he agrees with homosexual Senator Ed Murray who told the press his church's position is "hurtful" and is a "contradiction."

A contradiction of what? Of whom?

Connelly explains it is a contradiction of Jesus. "Jesus" he says, quoting Justin Cannon, "Befriended those who were marginalized because he knew it was only in the security of loving, unconditional relationships that hearts and lives are healed."

Of his church leaders he says, "These guys are losing touch, and costing the church credibility."

The problem with Justin Cannon is that he is out of touch with the truth. Jesus actually taught that it is in a relationship with Him, the Son of God, that broken people are healed.

The Bible clearly teaches that homosexual behavior is sin and that same-sex relations can never equal "marriage." My blog titled, "What is Marriage. Why Should We Defend It?" gives verse references to the biblical teaching on homosexual behavior, the blessing on heterosexual relationships in marriage and Jesus' confirmation of that truth.

Indeed, Jesus befriended the down trodden and marginalized, offering restoration and redemption. His path to completeness, however, was not to affirm the sin, but to identify the sin and then empower people to "go and sin no more" through His wonder working power of redemption and restoration. Jesus was never about affirming sin, to prove His love or to "relate" to those in need. His love transcends the need to do that.

Vertigo is a Latin term- "vertere"- which means "to turn."

Eliminating God from one's thinking, His Truth from one's belief, causes a person to turn to other sources for guidance. When there is no fixed point of reference---absolute moral truth--- life becomes confusing and conflicted. Depressing.

Moral vertigo.

With the elimination of God and His eternal truth, we can only turn to a belief system that is sited on the sinking sand of secular, humanistic moral relativism.

This results in a state of moral vertigo. Dizziness. Stumbling. Staggering out of control. Confusion of the mind, conflict of the heart, and a crumbling culture. And broken people.

Gov. Gregoire has explained she moved away from her faith in regard to marriage in incremental steps.

Connelly and Sen. Ed Murray found the biblical position on marriage "hurtful" and "contradictory." Contradictory to what?

Moral relativism.

Connelly's defense of redefining marriage comes down to this: "Follow Jesus. Don't act on your fears. Render to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's."

But marriage was created by God in creation and predates all civil government. Civil governments later recognized the irreplaceable value of marriage as defined by God and took steps to protect, honor and reward it.

Caesar didn't come up with the idea of marriage. God did.

Hearing loss is most always associated with vertigo.

Moments before Jesus Christ was executed, a conflicted Pilate turned toward Him and infamously asked, "What is Truth?"

Pilate never heard the truth, but billions of other people have heard Him. And followed Him and His teaching.

Who will the citizens hear? Who will the Legislators hear? Who will have an ear to hear?

Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Prayerful.