Friday, January 06, 2012

WA Legislature---A House Divided

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While Governor Gregoire's administration calls for more taxation to fix her economy---roughly $1 billion shortfall still remaining to be fixed, she has, with her call for homosexual "marriage," elevated re-defining marriage above the overwhelming economic challenges of the state.

Senate Republican Leader, Mike Hewitt, said yesterday that the debate she has signed on to is ill timed given the dire fiscal condition of the state. He also sees a conflict with Murray.

He told the press that the marriage debate will particularly create problems because Democratic budget negotiator Sen. Ed Murray is "vested in this personally."

Murray is a homosexual who, as a senator, has spent countless hours over the past several years laying the groundwork for this moment when he and others believe they can redefine marriage.

Hewitt said, "We should leave the social agenda off the Legislature this year. The last thing we need to do is to be down here in turmoil over social issues."

Indeed, there will be turmoil.

"Oh no," says Spokane's Democrat Senate Majority Leader Lisa Brown, "This is the right time to move forward with marriage equality."

Gregoire disputes Hewitt's concern, assuring the public that legislators are multitaskers. Capable of many things at once. This, of course, is how the Democrat controlled legislature has been so effective during Gregoire's term.

All this affirms that the homosexual agenda is more important to them and their allies than actual education in the public classroom, more important than religious freedom and more important than actually doing the work of the people at the Capitol.

Redefining marriage for 1/4 of 1% rather than focusing on the debilitating fiscal fiasco in Washington State.

The issue of re-defining marriage cuts much deeper than so-called "marriage equality." When attorney Steve Pidgeon told us in a meeting this week that only one fourth of one percent have taken advantage of the domestic partners law, it became clear that the DP law was not really just about equality.

Gregoire, Murray, Pederson and others moved mighty mountains to get the must have DP legislation passed.

While re-defining marriage will be wrapped in warm, soft wraps, with emotional human stories, it is much more than that.

Homosexual activists told the Associated Press at their "re-define marriage" kick off in Bellevue several weeks ago, "Yes, we have the benefits, but we want the name." "Why?" asked the AP reporter. "Having the name will help erase the stigma" of the behavior they said. And that's a quote.

We are encouraging you to call every lawmaker in the state and encourage everyone you know to do the same, however, there may be another action even more important.

Take a moment in the face of what will likely be the most fierce battle in the history of the state and ask yourself, "What do I believe? Why do I believe it? What is the basis of my belief?"

Do I merely attach my beliefs to the changing, relativist moral climate of our times or are there eternal, enduring principles and truths that I build my life upon?

Does a rebellious culture become my moral compass merely because they invert words and call good evil and evil good?

Am I conformed to that worldview or am I transformed by the renewing of my mind? Are there absolutes? Are some things right and some wrong---some sin and some not? What is the basis of my beliefs?

You will certainly face these issues in the coming days.

This issue of marriage will divide not only the Legislature, but the state, communities, churches and even families.

Abraham Lincoln reminded us that a nation divided cannot stand. One view will prevail, the other fail. Consequences will follow.

Take a moment this weekend. Consider the truth. "Then you will know the truth and the truth will make you free."

Be Vigilant. Be Convinced. Be Discerning. Be Prayerful.