Thursday, April 26, 2012

Redistribution: The Hollow Value

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Each year, for the past 4 years, Young America's Foundation has held a student video contest. Students are asked to produce a video that makes a point about public policy.

This year the focus of the project was on "fairness" through taxing the wealthy and redistributing it to those who are not wealthy.

Many have already begun sending me reports as to how you are doing in gathering signatures for both R-74 and I-1192. Thank you. This is very helpful. If you have not yet responded please do. You can give the information to your Faith and Freedom area coordinator or send it directly to me by email.

I, as you, have been watching the Occupy movement over the past year as they have illegally occupied public parks, streets, etc. and generally disrupted business in cities across the country, sometimes inflicting considerable property damage at taxpayer expense and always demanding that the 1% give them---the 99%, their fair share.


I recall one anxiety ridden student last fall in Seattle, looking into the camera and saying, "Do you realize I have almost a hundred thousand dollars in student loans? Who is going to pay for them?"

Many youth support the concept of redistribution of wealth, because it seems fair.

Well they support it in theory, but maybe not so much in practice.

Young Americans at Carthage College asked students if they were willing to redistribute their grades---their GPA, helping to raise the GPA of other students who for various reasons, had lower grades.

Webster defines the word hollow as, "Having an empty space or only air within it." In this case it seems to be hot air.

Most kids said no. Some said, "I worked hard for my grades," or, "I don't want my GPA taken away from me if I have a A". But those with low grades said, "Why not, I'm down." Or "Sure, why not."

I have linked the winning video here. Hopefully, some kids will have a different view of redistribution.

No one has the "right" to take from someone what he has worked hard to attain in the name of fairness or social justice.

Biblical Christianity teaches a better way. Jesus called it charity. To whom much is given, much is required.

Those who have much are taught to give much. The government is not the escrow account. Nor is it a power base for those seeking to exploit the poor and disadvantaged. People are to give to people through religious and humanitarian charities or directly. The government has a limited role, but that isn't it.

Let's hope a bit of enlightenment and moral understanding happened around this project.

Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Prayerful. Be Active. Be Blessed.