Wednesday, May 09, 2012

United Methodists Reject Homosexual "Marriage" and Ordination

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Two amendments were put forward at the International General Conference of the United Methodist Church last week, both intended to redefine the church's belief on homosexuality. Both were rejected.

North Carolina says "yes" to biblical marriage and "no" to homosexual "marriage." 

Even with the Obama Administration voicing support for redefining marriage and former President Bill Clinton launching a robo call campaign in an attempt to redefine marriage, the people of N. Carolina yesterday said a resounding "no" to homosexual "marriage" and "yes" to biblical marriage. The vote wasn't even close.

You will note in the linked story, the Washington Post published a picture of a United Methodist Church with their monument sign supporting biblical marriage.

The one amendment, which was most divisive, was intended to be an incremental approach to redefining the United Methodist's biblical position which considers homosexual behavior sin. It sought to add this sentence to the official church doctrine: "As a denomination, we are conflicted regarding homosexual expressions of human sexuality."

One pastor said, "No, we have to say what the Gospel says even though we love our brothers and sisters."

Those trying to redefine the beliefs of the church said, "We all sin, we all fall short of the Grace of God. There are places for multiple perspectives."

This makes relativism the central component of Scriptural exegesis. A position that allows cultural norms to shape Scripture, rather than Scripture shaping the culture.

One pastor stood and defined the convictions of the majority of those in attendance:

"We allow homosexuals to change the church rather than the church to change homosexuals. It is not true that God created gays and lesbians the way they are. I refuse to accept that. Because God is a loving God and He cannot have created something that will make that person suffer. If we say no (to the amendment) it doesn't me we don't love that person. I stand to say that the grace of God is for all people but the grace of God does not allow us to sin."

He did not stand alone as 61% agreed with him and the Methodists staked out a biblical belief on the matter of homosexual "marriage" and ordination.

Following the vote, a minority, according to someone whom I spoke to who was in attendance, threw a tantrum.

Whether it is the religious left trying to redefine Scripture or an atheist profaning and blaspheming it to 3000 kids, they all end up on the same page. The wrong page.

The United Methodist Church will convene again in 4 years. God bless them and give them strength to stand for Truth and righteousness.

It is difficult to stand for marriage---for life, for the inerrancy and authority of Scripture, for absolute Truth, in our present culture. There are many adversaries.

May God bless those Methodists who have taken a stand. And all those in North Carolina who voted for marriage yesterday.

And may God bless and strengthen us all as we take that stand in Washington State, sometimes in churches that do not share our deepest beliefs and convictions, but always in the face of ridicule from those who stand in rebellion against God and His Truth.

Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Prayerful. Be Faithful. Be Active. Be Blessed.