Friday, June 22, 2012

George W Bush is Responsible

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It's going on more than 5 years now since we began to hear that everything---I mean everything wrong in the world was Bush's fault. Everything from the devaluation of the Tu Tu, to the traffic jam on the Hollywood Freeway has been laid at his feet by our current President.

Now we've caught Bush cold. He is partially, maybe primarily responsible for results recently revealed in a new government study.

During the past 18 years, the government says abortions, overall, have been going down. In fact, among women in their 20s, the abortion rate has plunged 32%.

Family Research Council points out that liberals tend to chalk up this swing toward life as a result of Planned Parenthood style birth control. However, the statistics, taken with a recently published report from the Center for Disease Control, indicate abstinence seems to have been a major factor.

President Bush took a very strong pro-life position, supporting pregnancy centers and funding abstinence education programs as part of a healthy and moral personal philosophy.

After 8 years of President Bush prioritizing abstinence, we are now likely seeing the results of his program.

Fewer abortions.

This policy stands in stark contrast to Planned Parenthood's style of free-for-all 1960s sexual behavior--- do whatever you want and take a pill lifestyle--or we can extract the baby and kill her if necessary, policy.

Yes, President Bush, you are responsible. And yes, we miss you.

Have a great weekend. Thanks for your support.

Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Prayerful. Be Active. Be Blessed.