Thursday, July 26, 2012

Pro-Abortionists Praise Seattle Vandal

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Someone has vandalized a pro-life pregnancy sign on a metro bus in Seattle by pasting a sticker over the bus sign and are now being praised by so-called pro-choice activists.

How should pro-life citizens respond?

But first. I want to thank the many friends who wished us well and remembered us in prayer this week following my tumble down the stairs this past weekend. I was playing with our youngest granddaughter and tripped on the top step. During my trip down, I acquired three broken ribs, a couple of broken vertebrae and a broken left shoulder blade by the time I arrived at the bottom step---and two big round 22-month-old eyes wondering if that was part of the game we were playing. The doctor said I was very lucky---it could have been much worse. I didn't feel very lucky while lying in the ER, nor do I attribute it not being "much worse" to luck. I am thankful for your prayers and kind remarks, the support of my wife and family, and the goodness and grace of God.

The vandal posted a sticker over the pregnancy resource center sign that read, "Be advised: This is an anti-choice organization. They will not present you with all your legal & medical options. Call Planned Parenthood at [PP's phone #]."

So-called pro-choice people are condemning this act of vandalism, right?

Not exactly. So far Planned Parenthood is silent. NARAL is silent. But the pro-abortion bloggers are praising the vandal. Here's an example:

Vanessa of Feministing: “Bad-a** of the Day. Awesome.”

Kaye of Upworthy: “Something pretty awesome happened – it got sticker-bombed.”

Shelby of SK: “This is fabulous! Go random Seattle activist doing good in the world.”

Ironically, it's Planned Parenthood that regularly misinforms, distorts the truth and withholds all the options from women in favor of advancing their signature procedure--Abortion.

Live Action is suggesting several appropriate responses by pro-life people in Seattle:

The Seattle pro-life pregnancy center in question is Birthright. Their local chapter in Seattle is located at 9641 20th Avenue SW (Ph: 206-957-7790). I know, for instance, that they were looking for volunteers this summer. Let’s support this local pro-life pregnancy center!

The metro service this vandalism happened on was Metro Transit. I think we should inquire with them if they intend to investigate this act of vandalism (or compensate Birthright for their lost advertising use).
We should also contact Planned Parenthood and ask if they condone or condemn this type of vandalism of public property.

The fight for life continues in the streets of Seattle.

Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Prayerful. Be Active. And Be Careful when playing with grandchildren near the stairs.