Friday, August 03, 2012

More "Take-Out" From Chick-fil-A

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The Chick-fil-A story has touched a cultural nerve across the country. It has, as they say in the news business, grown legs.

Most noticeably, the mask of warm, fuzzy, "we're in love, too" rhetoric which proceeds the homosexual drive to redefine marriage, family and the culture has slipped, displaying the steel hard face of "whatever it takes" to get marriage, has been exposed in ways that no one else could have accomplished.

So off the page were the hateful, bullying remarks of elected leaders who were threatening Dan Cathy and his company because of his biblical beliefs about marriage, that the ACLU has rebuffed the elected leaders and their suggestions that they use government to punish Cathy because of his religious beliefs.

Now that most elected leaders who threatened retaliation using their government power have walked back their comments a bit, homosexual activists are promising that today they will hold a "kiss-in" in front of Chick-fil-A's across the country. Apparently they feel that will adequately punish those present.

Here's some final "Take-Out" thoughts from this episode and the results of Wednesday's "Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day."

Mike Huckabee said appreciation day exceeded his wildest expectations---"Historic sales in every store"---"a lot of stores ran out of chicken before the end of the day" and 21 million people visited the Facebook page Huckabee set up for the appreciation day event.

Take Out #1 Huckabee: "It is hypocrisy and bigotry toward Christians that is motivating people to support the chain. If they can tell Dan Cathy to shut up and mayors can keep the chain from expanding, then what comes next."


Take Out #2 Black conservative activist and columnist Star Parker: "The vile attacks on the firm and its owners, the Cathy family, should make clear, finally, that the 'gay rights' movement is not about refining and advancing American freedom, but about the homosexual political agenda."

Parker concludes her column, "Have we really gotten to the point where being a Christian is considered un-American?"

Take Out #3 Eugene Volokh, UCLA Law Professor, "Denying a private business permits because of such speech [Cathy's personal religious beliefs regarding biblical marriage] by its owner is a blatant First Amendment violation."

Take Out #4 Adam Schwantz, senior attorney for the ACLU, "When an Alderman refuses to allow a business to open because its owner has expressed a viewpoint the government disagrees with, the government is practicing 'view point' discrimination."

Take Out #5 Matt Vespa, with News Busters RE. LA Times Michale Hiltzik who told Cathy to "shut up and fry." "Being pro-family is not anti-gay."

Take Out #6 Christine Quinn, Speaker of NYC Council in a letter on official letterhead to NY University demanding they remove Chick-fil-A from the campus, although the student leadership voted to allow them on campus within the past 2 years: "I write as the speaker of the NYC Council, and on behalf of my family. NYC is a place where we celebrate diversity. We do not believe in denigrating others. We revel in the diversity of all our citizens and their families."

Revel in diversity? I don't think so.

Take Out #7 Chris Johnson. A guy who just ate chicken at Chick-fil-A. "He (Dan Cathy) said the exact same thing that President Obama said"--- referring to Obama's pre-evolution on marriage---"and he gets negativity and Obama gets positivity."

And finally.

Take Out #8 Rev. William Owens of the Coalition of African American Pastors: “Some people are saying that because of the position that Chick-fil-A is taking, they don’t want them in their cities. It is a disgrace. It is the same thing that happened when I was marching for civil rights, when they didn’t want a black to come into their restaurant."

Homosexual activists have said "Gay is the new Black." Are they now saying by their actions, "Gay is the new white and Christianity the new black?" It's very difficult to make sense out of a so-called loving, caring, inclusive, diverse, equality driven, civil rights campaign, when it isn't.

You've heard of the bridge to nowhere. This may well be the bridge too far.

Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Prayerful. Be Active. Be Blessed.