Friday, August 24, 2012

Newspapers Withholding Info On "2016--Obama's America" Film

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The Christian Post is reporting that some newspapers are withholding information about exactly where and when the film "2016--Obama's America" is showing.

The film's marketing company reported that someone in the Orange County area of Southern California complained in an email that they "saw nothing on '2016' in the papers" despite the fact it was playing at a dozen locations.

According to the email, the Orange County Register's Sunday edition listed this correction: "Due to a wire service error, the film '2016 Obama's America' was omitted from this weekend's movie listings for 8 theatres (all over OC and Long Beach)."

Sure, that happens all the time.

The film gives an open and factual view of an Obama that most American's don't know. It documents his personal journey, the forces and influences that shaped the person who now sits in the most powerful office in the world, and his vision for America.

I am urging you to see the film if possible.

My friend Bob Williams sent me this email with his comments and Seattle locations for the film:


I had a great opportunity to see the pre-release of the “2016: Obama’s America” in Denver last month. It is based on the book by Dinesh D’Souza.

Dinesh does a great job in exposing what really drives Obama.

Here are the showtimes in the Seattle Area.


Galaxy Uptown
4649 Point Fosdick Drive NW, Gig Harbor, WA
12:20‎ ‎2:40‎ ‎4:55‎ ‎7:15‎ ‎9:30pm‎

Century Federal Way
2001 S Commons, Federal Way, WA
10:30am‎ ‎12:45‎ ‎3:05‎ ‎5:25‎ ‎7:40‎ ‎9:55pm‎

Regal Silverdale Cinemas 4
9923 Poplars Avenue NW, Silverdale, WA
12:30‎ ‎2:45‎ ‎5:15‎ ‎7:35‎ ‎10:00pm‎

AMC Pacific Place 11
600 Pine S., Seattle, WA
11:25am‎ ‎1:45‎ ‎4:15‎ ‎7:00‎ ‎9:20pm‎

Here is the trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUjAcK7KHvA


Have a great weekend. See the film if possible.

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