Thursday, August 09, 2012

"Right To Pray" Amendment Passes Overwhelmingly, However...

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A measure known as Amendment 2, but commonly referred to as "The Right To Pray" amendment passed with overwhelming voter approval in Missouri Tuesday, strengthening the religious freedom of the citizens in that state.

However, nothing close to that was on the Washington State primary ballot. Rather, Christians and conservatives in Washington State will, this November, be trying to turn back the newly imposed law that redefines marriage and family and undermines religious freedom.

Democratic Party Chair Dwight Pelz declared Washington State a "Blue State" Tuesday night, noting that the most populous counties around Puget Sound are essentially the political voice of the state, with their numbers and money.

Pelz also said, with beer in hand, that the Democrats strong showing reminded him of a 1970's movie, "Electra Glide In Blue." The movie is about a good cop on a big bike on a bad road---I think. You tell me what that means in relation to the primary.

The press generally defined the vote as "no surprises."

There were some highlights for conservatives and people of faith, but not the indication that the Republican Party would take back control of the Senate that some had suggested could happen.

The highlights.

John Koster dominated the field of candidates for Congressional District 1---Inslee's old seat, with 43.72% of the vote and counting. Suzan Del Bene will run against him. She had 23.3%. Interestingly, the Seattle Times endorsee, "moderate" Democrat Steve Hobbs, received a lowly 6.8%. That was particularly meaningful to me personally.

Clint Didier had a strong showing in the statewide race for Commissioner of Public Lands. He will be on the November ballot.

Although Hadian finished third in the race for the governor's office, it was a distant third. I had hoped for a stronger primary vote from people of faith and conservatives in this primary governor's race. It didn't happen. Now people of faith and true conservatives will decide whether and how to vote on a contest of the lessor of two evils. Inslee beat McKenna by a considerable margin. Generally more Democrats vote in the General election than Republicans. We'll see how it plays out.

And what happened to Reagan Dunn? He is the model that Sec. of State Sam Reed has declared as the only winnable Republican candidate model in a statewide contest---moderate.

Dunn will make the November ballot for Attorney General, but only as a distant 2nd primary winner. Conservative Steve Pidgeon drew nearly 10% of the vote, but will not make the general election. Even if all the Pidgeon votes, and they won't, would go to Dunn in the general election, he still would not win.

In state legislative districts many conservative representatives and senators did well, some not as well as hoped.

There is much work to be done. I am confident conservatives and people of faith will rise to the challenge to defend marriage and set our state, communities and nation on a different and better course in November. However, let me repeat, there is much work to be done.

Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Prayerful. Be Active.