Thursday, October 11, 2012

So-Called "Marriage Equality" Activists Are Sounding The Alarm

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There is a smile---in some cases a smirk on the faces of many who pushed through legislation to redefine marriage in Washington State.

And why not?

Last month SurveyUSA showed the state at 38% Reject R-74 and 56% Support R-74.


Reject R-74 = Preserve or Protect Marriage.

Approve R-74 = Redefine marriage or legalize homosexual "marriage."

A more recent Elway Poll shows, 37% Reject R-74 and 51% Approve. Those seeking to redefine marriage have raised almost 5 times more money than those seeking to protect it.

With less than 30 days before election day, those seeking to redefine marriage have it in the bag. Right?

Everyone on that side isn't smiling or smirking.

Dominic Holden, an activist for homosexual causes and a writer for Seattle's "The Stranger" told his readers yesterday, "not so fast." "Hold the celebration."

He points out that Maine was in almost the same position 4 weeks before their vote on redefining marriage.

Then everything changed.

He says Frank Schubert showed up. And the voters rejected the homosexual's efforts to redefine marriage.

"And," Holden says, "He's coming to Washington."

Indeed he is.

Television ads asking people to support marriage and Reject R-74 will begin running next Monday, the 15th.

Holden calls Schubert, "The bigot who always comes from behind." "The man who has never lost a campaign to crush gay marriage."

Others, myself included, see Frank Schubert quite differently. He and his firm "Mission, Public Affairs" has never lost in a vote to reject an attempt to redefine marriage. He is not a bigot and he isn't trying to "crush" anyone or anything. He is a man of faith who believes deeply that marriage is between one man and one woman. And he is smart.

And Schubert will be spending about a million and a half dollars on ads, telling voters why they should Reject R-74---reject the notion of redefining marriage.

Holden says Schubert uses fear and is dishonest.

I have seen some of Schubert's TV ads. He tells the truth about the homosexual lifestyle and how homosexual "marriage" impacts the culture, the children, education and local communities. And in every case so far, a majority of people believe him and vote to Reject the effort to redefine marriage.

Will it happen in Washington?

What Holden and others in his camp miss is the spiritual aspect of protecting marriage.

Biblical teaching, from Genesis to the New Testament, including Jesus' teaching, affirms God's model for marriage. One man and one woman.

However, by God's design, we make choices.

If marriage is redefined, it will indeed have negative consequences in both the short and long term.

One thing is certain. Come November 6 and the votes are counted, we will know.

A number of organizations and individuals are encouraging people to set aside time every day to pray for the upcoming election---with a focus on marriage in Washington State.

I am personally setting aside a prayer time each day. I encourage you to do the same.

In the end, the matter of marriage is not about how much money is spent, nor is it about conventional polls and politics. Or personalities.

It is a spiritual matter.

May God help us.

Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Prayerful. Be Active. Be Blessed.