Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Abortion Industry On The Move In Olympia

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The abortion industry never stops its deadly efforts to expand.

A bill has been introduced that requires insurance policies in Washington State that provide maternity coverage to also provide coverage for abortions---they call it, "The voluntary termination of a pregnancy."

You may have heard Gov. Inslee reference his support for the Reproductive Parity Act. This is it. This bill is written to further support abortion rights. In the world of abortion as a right, choice, and women's health issue, the live birth and the dead birth of a baby is the same. It's not about the baby.

Another bill was presented Monday that would require parental notification before a girl under the age of 18 can get an abortion. Similar bills have been introduced in the past, but have been successfully aborted by abortion advocates before coming to a full vote.

Many feel this bill has a good chance. I agree.

Here are the details and what you can do now to make a difference.

First, the parental notification bill.

SB 5156 was introduced Monday. Senator Mike Padden (R) Spokane, chairs the Senate Law and Justice Committee that will have the hearing on the bill. He issued a press release this week assuring that the bill will get a public hearing, unlike similar bills in the past. This will help significantly in moving the bill forward.

The bill has 18 sponsors.

I spoke with Senator Padden's office yesterday, and they are asking that we encourage the friends of Faith and Freedom to contact their senators and express strong (and respectful) support for SB 5156. And to begin this week.

Please take a moment and call, email or write a letter. You can find contact information on our web site.

The link to the bill and his press release will give you more details. Thank you for taking action.

We will notify you as soon as the public hearing date is set.

Secondly, you should be aware of the efforts to further strengthen the "Reproductive Parity Act."

Senator Steve Hobbs, (D) Lake Stevens, is sponsoring SB 5009. The House version of the bill is HB 1044. I have linked a News Tribune-Olympian story with more details. Most insurance policies that cover maternity also cover abortion, I'm told.

This is an example of how diligent and vigilant abortion advocates are in advancing their agenda.

If we are properly informed and motivated to act, I believe we can see some moral, cultural victories this legislative session.

Be Informed. Be Vigilant. Be Motivated. Be Prayerful. Be Blessed.