Wednesday, June 05, 2013

WA State Representative To IRS Victims: "You Asked For It"

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It's worse than most thought and growing more so with each hearing.

It has been said that "DC" means "District of Corruption." That may be true.

Washington State's own Rep. Jim McDermott (D) implied yesterday during the IRS hearings that the targeting of conservatives and Tea Party groups was the fault of those targeted.

While people representing several Tea Party groups testified before the Committee giving detailed accounts of how the IRS targeted them, made improper demands on them during the application process and slowed down the process, in some cases to a couple of years, it became apparent that not one liberal or progressive group had experienced these same consequences---not one liberal group has filed a complaint.

That was certainly not lost on Rep. Aaron Schock (R) who asked why President Obama's own non-profit was considered within the rules when some many conservative groups were not.

President Obama has his own 501(c)4, "Organizing For Action". Much of the scrutiny directed at the Tea Party groups has to do with the very same activities Obama's group is involved in.

We learned yesterday that one group that has been targeted by the IRS has neither "Tea Party" or "Patriot" in its name but it mentors kids, and the IRS has been asking for the names of the kids the organization mentors.

Rep. Jim McDermott must make Seattle proud---they continue to elect him, however, many across the country and in Congress think differently.

Yesterday the Congressman reminded many of why they feel as they do.

McDermott not only blamed victims of the IRS targeting for being targeted, but implied the IRS would have been justified targeting conservatives and Tea Party groups if the agency did so based on what the groups stood for instead of words in their names.

He said, "The mistake here was the staff used the names of the organizations instead of the work they do."

McDermott lashed out at witnesses saying, "Each of you groups are highly political" and the Tea Party groups are essentially asking for a "tax break."

He called the hearings "a circus" and "political theater."

Rep. Paul Ryan looked at the Tea Party witnesses following McDermott's lashing and said, "So, you're to blame...I guess that's the message."

McDermott's words were not missed by Rep. Aaron Schock (R) either.

He asked the various Tea Party groups what their annual budget was. One said about $2000, another said $2500 in 2011 and one, the biggest budget, was about $9000 annual in 2012.

Shock then turned to the Democrats in the room and asked why President Obama's "Organizing For Action" non-profit had not been targeted. OFA does the same thing the Tea Party groups do and handles substantially more money.


In fact not a single liberal or progressive organization has even claimed to have been targeted or singled out.

Having established that no significant amounts of money had flowed through these Tea Party groups, Schock pulled up a description of Obama's "Organizing For Action" stated mission. It is to "Support President Obama in achieving enactment of the agenda Americans voted for on Election Day 2012."

The OFA describes the agenda as including legislation on "gun violence prevention, sensible environmental policies to address climate change and immigration reform."

Schock pointed out that the President's non-profit is seen as properly within the realm of the 501(c)4 non-profit, but the same people fail to see the conservatives view on promoting social well being.

He said this view is "myopic".

"One person's social welfare is another persons political activity," he said.

He said, "Not only did people at the IRS not understand this, it seems the Democratic Party, as a whole, is still struggling to grasp it."


Kevin Kookogey is the founder and president of "Linch Pins of Liberty."

The organization's mission is to "mentor high school and college students in conservative philosophy."

Kookogey testified that the IRS asked his group to submit the names of the young people they had mentored in their application and to also include exactly what he taught.

The IRS was asking him what he taught and to whom he taught it.

He said since a mission of his organization "is mentoring young people, the parents of the students were rightfully outraged upon hearing of those requests."

Kookogey said, "Can you imagine the reaction of the parents?"

In fact he said had he submitted the names, he would have likely opened himself and others to a lawsuit from parents for revealing the names of their kids or the parents themselves being targeted for audit."

His failure to comply, of course, could have caused his application to be denied.

Even though the organization does not have the word "tea party" or "patriot" in its name, it was still targeted for 2 years.

During that delay, his group lost a $30,000 grant and thousands of dollars of his own money.

We were warned about matters like this by men who put everything they had on the line for this country.

Noah Webster said, "In selecting men for office, let principle be your guide. Regard not the particular sect or denomination of the candidate---look to his character."

John Witherspoon said, "The people in general ought to have regard to the moral character of those whom they invest with authority either in the legislative, executive, or judicial branches."

Be Informed. Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Prayerful. Be Active. Be Blessed.