Thursday, July 25, 2013

Sticking Pins In Gov. Rick Perry Voodoo Doll

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Texas Governor Rick Perry has signed into law a bill that will restrict abortions in the state, create more oversight on Planned Parenthood abortion clinics, and likely shut down some of the clinics as a result of the new law.

A Houston seamstress is now making and selling Voodoo dolls of the Governor. She is donating the proceeds to Planned Parenthood. And she is receiving support from her peers in the "women's health" movement.

Once again this underscores Planned Parenthood's obsession with the industry of death.

Here's the details and some thoughts.

But first, it was learned yesterday that the Planned Parenthood abortion business must repay $1.4 million dollars after it was found to have participated in a massive fraud scheme. This is the story.

The dolls come in 2 versions. One has a white T-shirt with the words, "I [coat hanger] Texas Women."

The second version is a "suit and tie" version. The voodoo dolls come with "Tampon pins."

Michelle Sinched told the Houston Press that she came up with the idea because she wanted to "send a message and raise money for Planned Parenthood."

So what's the message?

The history of voodoo or "Vodou" is most often associated with Haiti, but is practiced in other countries, including several in Africa.

There are many versions of voodoo, but this is essentially the core beliefs:

Voodooists or "Vodouists" believe in a distant and unknowable creator god, "Bondye." Bon means "good" and Dye means "god."

Bondye, they believe, does not intervene in human affairs so voodooists direct their worship to spirits that are subservient to Bondye.

They worship the angels or spirits that worship Bondye, who are called "Ioa."

Their worship includes "spirit possession."

History texts generally associate the beginning of this practice with a rebellion toward Christian missionaries.

This is the short overview of a very complex and layered "spiritually possessed" religious practice.

My research indicates that some historians in America are working to revise the history of the practice and normalize it as one of many religions practiced by many people.

We can only conclude the "message" Ms. Sinched is wanting to send includes a message of rebellion toward Christianity and the biblical God who is Creator of all things and the Giver of Life.

Secondly, the sticking of pins into the Governor Rick Perry doll can only suggest that those who stick him wish him dead.

Am I making too much of this?

I don't think so.

Michelle Sinched, who calls herself, "The Stitch Witch," does not want to be misunderstood.

She told the Houston Press, "What's better than sticking pins in Gov. Goodhair or burning him at your own doll sized stake?"

While people practice voodoo in far away places, worshiping and submitting to the spirits who worship Bondye, there are those among us who, in rebellion toward God, wish to kill and burn those of us who worship the true and living God, the Creator of Life because we believe in the sanctity of the life He creates.

And they call it "women's health services."

We get the message.

God help us.