Russell Wilson, popular and highly talented quarterback for the Seattle Seahawks, has helped produce and appears in a 15-minute video called, "The Making Of A Champion."
The video was shot, at least in part, at Century Link Field and the Seahawk practice facility in Renton.
Wilson, along with some other well known athletes, are discussing the importance of God in their lives. And they are asking the fans to consider a response.
The "Miss World Pageant" carries the motto, "Beauty With Purpose."
Meagan Young, a bright and beautiful 23-year-old won the "Miss World" title recently.
She is not only beautiful, but has a purpose---and is bold enough to talk about it publicly.
KOMO 4 News in Seattle ran a story titled, "God On The Gridiron: Seahawks DVD Extols A Higher Power."
KOMO says, "Some of the Seattle Seahawks most popular players extol their Christian faith on a newly released video."
The video features quarterback Russell Wilson, tackle Russell Okung and several others who share the importance of God in their lives and careers.
It is true, and KOMO rightly points out, that there has been "a thread of evangelical Christian faith in the NFL fabric for years."
Some will remember Seahawk quarterback Jim Zorn. And Steve Largent. Both were deeply committed and vocal about their faith in Jesus Christ, and both were regular guests on our daily television program.
And thinking back while looking ahead, Ken Hutcherson, former Seahawk middle linebacker, was also my guest and very outspoken about his faith. In fact, he still is. The Seattle Times once called him a spiritual bulldozer.
Ken is the founding pastor of Antioch Bible Church in the Greater Seattle area.
"But," says KOMO, "this new video is a direct invitation from players to fans to join their religion."
Is KOMO concerned there may be "proselytizing" going on here?
Actually, the players are encouraging people to consider a personal relationship with God through Christ and are encouraging them to get involved in a biblical church.
This isn't really about "religion."
Wilson says, "God's given me the amazing talent to throw the football. Even though I'm 5-foot-11 and people said I couldn't do it, nobody can stop what God has for you."
KOMO observes that, "It's unclear if the Seattle Seahawks organization endorses the video, but it was clearly shot at the Century Link Field and the Seahawks Renton practice facility."
Not sure what the actual motive may be with KOMO but I am happy they reported it.
The video directs viewers to a website.
The website doesn't endorse a specific church, but directs people to about 30 churches in the greater Seattle area. It also asks people to share their faith and personal experiences.
I strongly recommend you take a moment and view the video, especially if you have a child or grandchild---you may want to look at the video with them.
From the other side of the world, "Miss World" a beautiful, bright 23-year-old Filipino, Megan Young, is telling her world that the Philippines' recently implemented "Reproductive Health Law," which mandates abortion pill distribution, is wrong.
The new law was highly promoted and advocated by both Planned Parenthood and Hillary Clinton.
Megan says, in response to a question, "I'm pro-life, and if it means killing someone that is already there then I am against that, of course."
One of the interviewers asked about her personally taking contraceptives.
She replied, "Well I don't engage in stuff like that as of now. I think that sex is for marriage."
She was furthered pressed as to how a beautiful woman like her "could just say no to sex."
Young said, "You just say no---step away because you know that person doesn't value you, doesn't value the relationship as much. If the guy is willing to sacrifice that, that means a lot."
Pro-abstinence until marriage.
She also told her world audience that after seeing divorce in her own family, she is a strong advocate of marriage for life.
"I think if you marry someone," she said, "that should be the person you are with forever. Through sickness or health, through good or through bad."
Through the intense effort to silence the voices of Christian faith and biblical values, voices are still being heard. Often it is the voice of our sons and daughters.
While some, including pastors and Christian leaders, remain silent in our cultural of chaos, this generation is finding its voice. This is but 2 examples. There are many more.
I'm reminded of the prophetic words of Joel 2:28-32:
“And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions. Even on the male and female servants in those days I will pour out my Spirit. “And I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and columns of smoke. The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes. And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved."
Be Encouraged. Be Vigilant. Be Bold. Be Prayerful. Be Blessed.