Thursday, November 21, 2013

How Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker Survived The Recall

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Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is the only governor in history to survive a recall.

The unions put up $21,000,000 to defeat him, his family was confronted in the supermarket and the media was not his friend.

Here's how the New York Times reported the victory back on June 5, 2012: "Gov. Scott Walker, whose decision to cut collective bargaining rights for most public workers set off a firestorm in a state usually known for its political civility, easily held on to his job on Tuesday, becoming the first governor in the country to survive a recall election and dealing a painful blow to Democrats and labor unions."

"With 53 percent of the vote," the Times continues, "Mr. Walker soundly defeated Mayor Tom Barrett of Milwaukee, the Democrats’ nominee in the recall attempt, who had 46 percent, with most precincts across the state reporting results."

Scott Walker stood up to the vicious attacks organized by the left and funded with tens of millions of dollars for one reason.


His principle was supported by his conviction and courage.

How did he survive the assault?

What reinforced him most during these very difficult times?

Walker, in an exclusive interview with Stephen K. Bannon, says the wild political ride he endured to fix his state was born out of an earnest desire to change what he calls a "vicious cycle" between unions who would "use their funding to campaign for candidates that would govern in ways that helped increase the unions funding."

He says, "No one in that equation stands up for the hard working taxpayers."

Understood by all conservatives.

Out of principle and conviction he chose the proverbial road less traveled---he launched an effort to reform.

Bannon says, "The struggles for reform sparked an immediate backlash from union groups across the country, who flocked to Wisconsin and created a political chaos reinforced by an extreme lack of cooperation on the part of Democratic legislators who temporarily left the state."

I remember it well. Their departure delayed key votes by the legislature---all in an attempt to subvert the reform.

Walker says that at the time, he thought the drama was a joke or a movie.

He says vicious activists would track down his mother who was in her 70s and his son who was then 16 and confront them while they were shopping at the supermarket.

Those who opposed him would camp out in front of government buildings to impede traffic and the flow of government business. He says the union push was a "precursor to the Occupy Movement."

And he says the history of it has softened, but it is still "vivid" in his memory.

Ultimately, the unions failed.

Walker won. So did Wisconsin.

The result of his reform became very apparent and obvious. The schools showed marked improvement and property taxes were reduced at the end of the year.

Walker says, "People could see for themselves that life was better in Wisconsin."

How did he have the political and personal strength to stand during this historic and traumatic time?

He says it was the strength of prayer.

He found power in the reading of Bible verses and embracing those supporters who spoke openly of their faith and told him they were with him.

Walker says when Paul Ryan was chosen as the VP candidate with Romney, he told him that the "most important thing" was to embrace those who said, "I'll pray for you."

The Governor says, "That is not a throw away line, you need to reach out and touch those people" because that is the "support that reinforced him most."

He would know of these things. His father was a Baptist pastor. He is a committed Christian.

Governor Walker has released a book this week titled, "Unintimidated."

If anyone has a right to that title, Walker does.

In our quest for leadership in America, one must not overlook Walker.

It was Noah Webster who said, "In selecting men for office, let principle be your guide. Regard not the particular sect or denomination of the candidate---look to his character."

America is being reminded how very much character counts.

Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Informed. Be Pro-Active. Be Prayerful. Be Blessed.