Friday, November 01, 2013

Sexual Orientation School Counseling Turns Predatory--Mother Reacts

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Diane Splitz, a mother in Massachusetts, was stunned to learn that her son, who had questioned his sexuality to a high school counselor, had been referred by the high school to a local homosexual organization--a "gay club," without her knowledge.

Following the referral to homosexual activists, things dramatically changed for the Splitz family.

Every parent and grandparent should know what the "gay club" told the boy and what the mother is now doing about it.

Mass Resistance, a pro-life, pro-family, pro-marriage faith based organization is reporting the story.

Brian Camenker, who heads up the organization says, "They told him he's really born gay and there's nothing he can do about it, and your parents are hateful people and religion is hateful" if they don't affirm your behavior.

Camenker says, "It made him a very angry kid and very hostile."

As a result of the referral and the predatory indoctrination, the boy considered himself "gay."

The gay activists provided the boy with explicit and provocative information and literature about homosexual behavior.

He was told repeatedly that anyone who didn't embrace his "identity" was a "hater and a homophobe," including his family.

He rebelled against his parents because they didn't embrace his new behavior.

The high school that had referred him continued to subvert the parents as they continued to take steps to alienate them from their son.

It became a parent's and family's worst nightmare.

Their son had been abducted.

The Splitz family found the high school guidance counselors, administrators and the Department of Education continued to stonewall them, lie to them and manipulate them in ways that deeply wounded the family and put their son at risk.

All of this is done under the guise of "helping" the child.

The son is now in college out of state and the family is trying to heal.

"He is beginning," Camenker says, "to finally realize that his parents have never stopped loving him."

Mrs Splitz is now fighting back against those who violated her parental rights and religious liberties, and greatly harmed her son.

Working with the help of her state representative, she has filed a bill which would ban public school officials from referring children to outside organizations without parental knowledge. That includes homosexual organizations, abortion clinics, etc.

The bill has bi-partisan support with 12 co-sponsors.

Mom is now confronting the legislature.

And she intends to continue to do so.

She testified before the Joint Education Committee three weeks ago.

Parents across the state are becoming aware of her effort and are joining her with their support.

Her testimony was well documented as she told legislators, "We must put a stop to the Commonwealth's war on children regarding the promotion of reckless and destructive sexual, homosexual and transgender behaviors and identities, robbing them of their innocence and putting them at emotional as well as physical risk."

This is a snapshot of how public education and a corrupted culture steals the children's heart and mind through indoctrination.

I'm talking more about this and the remedy this morning on my live radio program at 9 AM PDT. Here's how to join me from anywhere in the world.

Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Informed. Be Prayerful. Be Active. Be Blessed.