Wednesday, October 29, 2014

"Exodus" Film Edits Out God

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Hollywood's new "faith based" film "Exodus: Gods and Kings" edits God out of the "Parting of the Red Sea" sequence.

Actor Christian Bale, who plays Moses, says Moses was "likely schizophrenic" and "one of the most barbaric individuals."

Director of the film Ridley Scott adds that the parting of the Red Sea will be caused by an earthquake, not by God or Moses.

The "faith based" film will open in theaters December 12 and they are counting on all "people of faith" to support their "faith based" film.

Here's a few more reasons why biblical Christians should skip it and donate the money to your local mission.

The Hollywood Reporter says Christian Bale made his remarks about Moses being schizophrenic and barbaric before international reporters last month.

Ridley, the Director, told Entertainment Weekly, "You can't just do a giant parting, with walls of water trembling while people ride between them"---a reference to Cecil B. DeMille's epic film "The Ten Commandments."

Ridley says, "I didn't believe it then when I was a kid sitting in the third row. I remember the feeling, and thought that I'd better come up with a more scientific or natural explanation."

Bales says he had an Epiphany of sorts about Moses, "I had no idea about Moses at all, just how complex a character he was...He was a very troubled, tumultuous man and mercurial. But the biggest surprise was the nature of God. He was equally mercurial."

Bales says to acquaint himself with God, Moses and the Bible, he read from the Torah and the Koran.

By definition the word "mercurial," which Christian Bales uses to define both Moses and God, tells us that both God and Moses are "changeable," "volatile," "fickle," "flighty" and "erratic."

While that may define human behavior, it does not define the nature of God.

And they are counting on Christians to buy tickets and encourage friends and family to see the film because it is "faith based."

This new film follows the film "Noah," released earlier this year, in which the producers cast Noah as a crazed person obsessed with environmental issues...a man who even considers slaughtering his own family.

Some pastors and Christian leaders encouraged Christians to see Noah, explaining that it wasn't intended to be accurate.

Casting Noah as mentally crazed or Moses as barbaric and schizophrenic is reason enough to not buy a ticket.

However, casting God as a no show in the parting of the Red Sea and as "mercurial" in His nature and character is beyond "not being accurate." It's blasphemy.

Actress Alexa PenaVelt says people are looking for something to hold on to in these troubled times.

Alexa, who stars in "The Remaining," a film based on Revelation 8 and 9 says, "Obviously Hollywood is trying to capitalize on something, but I don't care, as long as it is making movies about the Bible."

Perhaps. To a point.

However, when they are "about" the Bible and are casting God as "changeable, volatile, fickle, flighty and erratic," they deserve neither your time nor your money.

If you just have to see the movie, give some thought as to how you will explain a "changeable, fickle, flighty and erratic" God whom you have been telling your non-Christian friends and family is the answer to their needs.

You might also consider a credibility check on those religious leaders who will soon begin promoting it as a "faith based" film, encouraging congregations to see it.

As Christians there is no need to further financially invest in this kind of message about God. A good deal of your taxes are already supporting those views through public education.

Be Informed. Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Prayerful. Be Blessed.