Thursday, December 11, 2014

Chaplain Punished For "Sharing His Faith"

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In the ongoing attempt to silence Christian expression---and in effect "secularize" religion to be nothing more than a philosophical belief, the military has punished an army chaplain for discussing matters of faith in his own personal bout with depression during a suicide prevention session.

The punishment includes a warning to, "Be careful to avoid any perception you are advocating one system of beliefs over another."

There's more. Much more.

The letter sent to the chaplain is stunning and should be profoundly concerning to every Christian and conservative in America.

Chaplain Joseph Lawhorn has been issued a letter of "concern" which, of course, goes into his personal, professional file, accusing him of "using Christian Scripture and solutions" during a session with the 5th Ranger Training Battalion on the subject of suicide prevention.

His superiors say in the letter, "You provided a two-sided handout that listed Army resources on one side and the biblical approach of handling depression on the other side."

They say the way Chaplain Lawhorn printed the handout "made it impossible for those in attendance to receive the resource information without also receiving the biblical information."

The letter directs the chaplain to "be careful to avoid any perception you are advocating one system of beliefs over another."

This is the "point" of the spear in the war on Christianity---silence Christian expression.

Political correctness is more important than being effective.

It is not only military chaplains who are being told to "believe what you want, but don't advocate or act on that belief---in fact, don't even mention it;" this censorship is reaching into the public square and, as we have learned, into the sermons pastors have preached and communications they have had with parishioners regarding homosexuality and those who push that agenda.

This is a war on conscience rights and freedom of religious expression---particularly Christian expression.

It is also in direct conflict with the Great Commission of Christianity to share our faith---go into all the world and preach the gospel.

I personally believe it is also in direct conflict with the intent of our Founders.

Some would remind us that the military---the government--- is different, we must maintain "separation."

How do chaplains who are ordered to "believe nothing" or at least be silent on moral issues help those contemplating suicide? Who doesn't know that suicide has moral implications as well as physical and mental?

Secularism is certainly not the answer if we are looking for suicide "prevention."

Secularism has given Washington State, Oregon and a growing number of other states, legal physician's assistance in committing suicide.

That secularist approach can hardly be equated with suicide "prevention."

While this incident did not define the chaplain's attempt to help prevent suicide as "proselytizing," it came very close.

This is not about Separation of Church and State, nor is it about "equality."

Other religions, particularly Islam, are given the highest consideration in our military complex.

In fact, it was political correctness and so-called "tolerance" that led superiors to not take any action in regard to the continuing expressions and behavior of Major Nidal Milik Hasan at Fort Hood in 2009 which resulted in the murder of 13 people---acting on his Muslim "faith."

Political correctness caused that tragic incident to be labeled "work place violence" rather than the act of terrorism that it was.

After the fact, everyone aware of him said it was obvious he was very anti-American and very troubled.

Ironically, Hasan was an Army psychiatrist.

The war on Christianity is not only being waged in the military.

Yesterday we were again made aware of the battle for the mind in the classroom.

Professor Charles Angeletti at Metropolitan State University in Denver required his students to recite the following revision of the Pledge of Allegiance:

"I pledge allegiance to and wrap myself in the flag of the United States Against Anything Un-American. And to the Republicans for which it stands, two nations, under Jesus, rich against poor, with curtailed liberty and justice for all except blacks, homosexuals, women who want to get abortions, Communists, welfare queens, tree huggers, feminazis, illegal immigrants, children of illegal immigrants, and you, if you don't watch your step."

Some of the students were outraged and called out the professor, making the incident public.

When cornered, the professor said "it was meant to be a silly icebreaker for the class." He said later it was also meant to be an "alternative perspective of patriotism in America."

And he was not punished or disciplined because of his freedom of expression.

Those in attendance at Chaplin Lawhorn's session on suicide prevention in which he shared his personal story of overcoming depression and anxiety through his faith, all said he was doing nothing more than giving personal testimony to his own struggle and the victory he had experienced.

The chaplain has rights of conscience and rights regarding religious expression. Christian lawyers have taken up his case and will be representing him.

Congressman Doug Collins, a Republican lawmaker from Georgia whose district includes the area where the training session took place, has written letter to the chaplain's superiors.

Collins said in his letter, "I find it counterintuitive to have someone lead a suicide prevention course, but prohibit them from providing personal testimony."

Todd Starnes with Fox said, "I find it both repulsive and heartbreaking to know that we have a military that frowns upon a chaplain using a Bible to save a soldier's life."

The war in our American culture is spiritual, not political. We, as Christian conservatives, must approach every election, every cultural issue with that in mind. And do so prayerfully.

Spiritual restoration will bring about political restoration.

Be Informed. Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Prayerful. Be Pro-Active. Be Blessed.