Monday, December 08, 2014

UW Scientists: "Life More Rare Than First Thought"

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Two University of Washington astronomers have concluded that many of those promising "habitable" planets scientists have said existed may be "nothing more than a mirage."

The secular search for life often leads to a mirage.

For years we've been told that Earth is only one of many---maybe millions or billions of planets that could, and may support life.

This scientific "truth" has been used by some like the late atheist Carl Sagan to undermine the significance of the Earth in both Creation and the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, concluding it's all a myth--all of it.

The narrative goes something like this: "If there really was a God, why would He choose this planet from the millions of inhabitable planets that would and may support life?"

Sagan said the idea of this planet being somehow exceptional or "chosen" is delusional.

University of Washington scientists are now saying "just because scientists determine a planet is in what they call an inhabitable zone in relation to a sun, doesn't mean it is inhabitable."

The study, although it was likely not the intention, seems to support the idea of a Privileged Planet.

KING 5 TV who is reporting the story begins with, "If intelligent life were looking at Earth from across the galaxy, an alien scientist might detect the tell tale signs of oxygen. Earth started with no oxygen in its atmosphere. It was living organisms that put it there."

Then 5 says, "But two University of Washington astronomers are raising the cautious flag as we look across the universe."

The assumption among scientists has long been that there are habitable zones throughout the universe where planets are in these perfect zones in relation to other suns---not too hot and not too cold--, however, now UW astronomers Rodrigo Luger and Rory Barnes are about to publish research that calls into question this long standing "truth."

The article, in my mind, reveals that the more scientific discovery, the more evolutionary assumptions are called into view and the more evidence appears that supports the idea that this planet---our planet has a special purpose and exists because of that purpose.

The Discovery Institute, across town from the UW, has become known world wide because of their research and advocacy of intelligent design. Which reveals another worldview and its relationship to the universe.

The film, "The Privileged Planet" shows Earth in its stunning beauty and execptionalism. If you've not seen it, please do so.

The book that introduces the film begins by recounting the story of how on Christmas Eve, 1968, the astronauts---Frank Borman, James Lovell, and William Andrews---became the first human beings to see the far side of the moon.

To mark the significance of the event and its occurrence on Christmas Eve, the crew decided to read from the opening words of Genesis: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth..."

The reading was followed by a reverent silence....the words and the silence was broadcast to the largest single audience in television history as more than a billion people experienced the first "Earthrise," as Apollo 8 emerged from behind the far side of the moon. The astronauts were said to be transfixed by the vision of Earth, a delicate, gleaming swirl of blue and white, contrasting with the monochromatic barren surface of the lunar horizon.

Atheist Carl Sagan and others have taught our planet is no big deal

In his book "Pale Blue Dot," the late Sagan wrote the planet is in fact "insignificant and purposeless."

He says, "Earth is an ordinary accident of geometry and optics...our posturings, our imagined self importance, is the delusion that we have some privileged position in the universe."

He says our planet is a mere lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic darkness...and there is no hint that help will come from somewhere else to save us from ourselves."

Oh, but there is. It's much more than a hint.

He too would now know that to be true.

The University of Washington scientists are right, Earth is a much more unique place than previously thought by many of their peers. It reflects the Creation of God and is key to the Purpose of God.

"For God so loved the world [this world] that He gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life" (John 3:16).

"Joy To The World [this world], The Lord Has Come," let Earth [this Earth] receive her King, let every heart prepare Him room...let Heaven and nature sing."

Be Blessed.