Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Why is Disney Blocking "God?"

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The Disney Channel has been asking people, kids I presume, to post on the Disney site what they are thankful for.

But apparently they didn't want the truth.

Last Sunday Lilly celebrated her 10th birthday.

After church and lunch at the Golden Corral, the Anderson family went home.

Lilly, their 10 year old, headed for the computer.

She loves the Disney Channel, so she got on their web site and noticed an invitation to post, "What are you thankful for?"

So Lilly typed in her answer: "God, my family, my church and my friends."

She pressed the enter key and waited for her post to appear on the Disney site.

It didn't. But why?

Instead, a message popped up in red.

It said, 'Please be nice."

She tried again---same response.

She told her parents. They tried. Same result.

Finally, together, they figured out that the word "God" was the problem. When they removed "God" the message was posted on the Disney site.

Lilly's mother Julie then contacted Todd Starnes with Fox News and told him once they removed the word "God," Lilly's message was posted with no delay.

Starnes called Disney. They explained that it must be an error and they would work on it or look into it.

My personal tolerance is stretched a bit to believe blocking "God" was an honest error.

The implication was that thanking God publicly was "not nice"---so removing God "is" nice?

That's naughty. And it is deceptive.

Julie says, "We've always told her that inevitably there would come a day when she would be discriminated against for her faith, but we never thought Disney would be the source."

Julie said, "I want my daughter, and all children of faith, to know that it is okay to share God and Jesus with their peers. I want her to know that she doesn't have to be silent about her faith. I want her to be strong and soldier on."

Starnes says he thinks the Disney Channel has gone "looney tunes."

I agree. But this kind of opposition to God runs deeper than mere ignorance---much deeper.

Rejecting God is not a Premiere Disney creation.

Isaiah (28:16) spoke of this same attitude more than 700 years before Christ was born.

Psalms 118:22, written centuries before Christ, says, "The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone."

The Disciples understood the concept of rejecting God and His Son and its consequences. It's referenced in Matthew 21:42; Mark 12:10,11; Luke 20:17 and in Acts 4:11

If Disney wants to be the "Happiest Place On Earth," perhaps they should at least allow 10 year old kids to acknowledge the true source of joy and happiness. And blessing.

Perhaps Santa will drop off a bag of air polluting coal at the Disney offices this Christmas.

Be Joyful. Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Prayerful. Be Bold. Be Blessed.