Thursday, January 01, 2015

Getting Rid Of The Tree

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I was amused as I glanced at the message from the Washington State Secretary of State's office.

She meant well, I'm sure.

Her message read:

"As Blood Sweat & Tears once sang, 'what goes up must come down.' That was the case with this year's Holiday Kids Tree, which was removed by DES workers Monday morning after the 25 foot Noble fir stood tall in the Legislative Building rotunda the past four weeks."

Both the picture and the message illustrated, although that was not necessarily intended, that when Christmas isn't Christmas, that's what you do the morning after---you pack it up and remove it---what goes up must come down.

But when Christmas "is" Christmas, it isn't a tree, it's a message. I agree, it's time to get rid of the tree, But the message will be our guiding light in what is sure to be a challenging and likely chaotic year ahead.

The message must linger because Christianity is a journey, not an event.

A personal word on this first day of 2015.

The most important thing for 2015 is this:

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart; And lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6

These are difficult and challenging times. The year ahead will surely bring many challenges because we live in a terribly uncertain world.

But while these may be the "worst of times", they can also be "the best of times."

As we acknowledge God in all our ways, we will see His strength made perfect in our weakness and struggles.

Remember His Will---the Christmas story, is not an event---its a journey, and His will is not a "road map", its a "relationship."

I'm talking more about this on the radio this morning. Here's how to join me.

Have a happy and blessed New Year.

Gary Randall