Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Transgender Show Wins Best TV Series Globe Award

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Parents and grandparents beware.

While you were at church Sunday, the television industry gave the Golden Globe Award for "Best Television Series---Musical or Comedy" to Amazon for their new show "Transparent."

"Transparent" is a new original drama created by Amazon about a family struggling with its father's admission that he is transgender.

You may recall that Jeff Bezos, the founder and chairman of Amazon, gave $2.5 million to the campaign to redefine marriage in Washington State.

He also purchased the Washington (DC) Post this past year. Clearly he has an agenda.

The industry is saying this will put Amazon's new venture into producing original television shows "on the map."

Hopefully it will also put parents and grandparents on high alert.

I few things you should know about the push by television to normalize perversion by indoctrinating the public---specifically our kids.

The industry columnists are near giddy about Bezos' new message show, describing it as "Delicately dealing with the transgender issue..."

This is a link to the Breitbart News story. I will not directly link to the show's web site, but a link is in the Breitbart story.

However, this show is available in your home on your television. And its only the latest in an avalanche of gay programming assaulting your home.

In fact, respected best selling author, speaker and regular guest on Focus on the Family, Larry Tomczak has written an article warning parents about this avalanche.

He says, "Regularly on TV, celebrities and 'experets' celebrate the 'fact' that 25-30% of Americans are really gay. Accurate statistics don't bear this out as the actual figure is somewhere between 2-3%."

He says we are being bombarded.

So much so that Focus has put out this list of how Hollywood is promoting homosexuality right now:

  • Super hyped "Empire" series starts with Oscar nominee Terrence Howard having a homosexual son - and he's a hunk.
  • "Glee" features over five gay characters.
  • Home and remodeling reality shows regularly feature lesbians and gays in partnerships exploring homes.
  • "Modern Family" features a gay couple who married over two episodes
  • "Ellen DeGeneres" celebrates her lesbianism and "marriage" in between appearances of guests like Taylor Swift to attract young girls.
  • "Dancing with the Stars" hosts a gay judge and gay couples.
  • "Biggest Loser" had lesbian Jillian Michaels as a role model coach.
  • "The Good Wife" now has a lesbian/bisexual investigator.
  • "Scandal" has two gays.
  • "2 1/2 Men" just added a lesbian daughter.
  • "Grey's Anatomy" highlights a lesbian couple with their child.
  • "Survivor" and other reality shows regularly parade homosexuals as contestants.
  • Anderson Cooper boasts openly on TV he'd rather "have sex" with a man plus co-hosts New Year's Eve festivities nationwide.

Tomczak says passivity is not an option and suggests several action items for parents and grandparents. I strongly suggest you read his article.

He published the article last Thursday, before Sunday's Golden Globe Awards honored transgenderism. Within hours the homosexual community was mocking and attacking him in various publications.

Look at this.

Jonathan Chait, a Hollywood insider and friend of the secular progressive left, including President Obama, wrote a very lengthy article back in 2012 titled, "The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy is on Your Screen."

In it he gives an overview of how television came to power in America. And how it has changed the culture right in front of our eyes.

Keep in mind he thinks that is a good thing, and he wrote the article while Romney was running for president.

Chait says in his 1992 speech at the Republican National Convention in Houston, "Pat Buchanan floridly exhorted his Party to fight (or, in his view fight back) in a cultural war, as critical to the kind of nation we will one day be as was the Cold War itself."

Chait says, "When Buchanan delivered that terrifying (or exhilarating) speech in Houston, it would have been impossible to imagine that twenty years later, all traces of this war would have disappeared from the political scene."

He wrote if you visit candidate Mitt Romney's campaign web site the issues tab labeled "Values" lists, Romney's unwavering opposition to abortion and gay marriage, "and Bushian opposition to stem cell research, but nary a glancing reference can be found to the state of the culture."

He concludes either popular culture has ceased its provocations, or the culture war has been shoved aside by the war over the role of government in the economy. He also points out some of the hypocrisy on the conservative side, but concludes with this about television:

"This capacity to mold the moral premises of large segments of the public, and especially the youngest and most impressionable elements, may or may not be unfair. What it is undoubtedly is a source of cultural (and hence political) power."

He suggests that liberals, like himself, owe a great deal of their success to those conservatives who have raised the issues, but not followed through.

One way each of us can follow through is to be sure these programs are not on in our homes.

"Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for it is light that makes everything visible." (Eph. 5:11-13).

Another way we can follow through is to alert friends and family.

Be Vigilant. Be Diligent. Be Discerning. Be Bold. Be Prayerful. Be Blessed.