Friday, January 23, 2015

While Thousands Marched

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While thousands of good, decent, honest pro-life people marched in the streets of America's Capitol yesterday, standing for life, about 20 women abandoned the pro-life Republican ship.

Led by Representative Renee Ellmers R-NC, a group of about 20 Republican women---House colleagues of Ellmers', forced the Republican majority in the House to pull the "Pain Capable Unborn Children Protection Act"---a law that would have banned abortions on children 20 weeks or older in the womb.

This bill was scheduled for a vote on the floor, sure to pass with the Republican majority, while hundreds of thousands marched for life outside on the cold streets of America's Capitol.

Renee, a nurse for 20 years before being elected to Congress, and her husband, a medical doctor, should be well aware that a 20 week old baby feels the pain of abortion.

We all feel the pain of this barbaric procedure at any point after conception.

Many are also feeling the pain of betrayal.

The deception of her actions are very painful---and hopefully informing to voters who believe in life--- and integrity.

While thousands were marching for life, here's the details of what was happening in the corridors of Congress.

The Weekly Standard reports that after the bill was pulled, Rep. Ellmers told them on Wednesday afternoon she "would" vote for the bill even if it comes to the floor without the changes she and her allies had demanded. "But," she said "I will put out a press release saying that I really disagree with that reporting language."

Ellmers voted "for" that exact same bill on June 18, 2013 when it had no chance of passing the Senate, and she knew it.

The Weekly Standard raised the question. Ellmers insisted the bill had been changed since she previously voted for it.

The Standard rechecked. Ellmers is not telling the truth. It's the exact same wording as 2013.

Eric Erickson, at Red State says, "Rep. Renee Ellmers worked tirelessly to scuttle the legislation, then had the temerity to claim she actually would vote for it if only it would come to the floor."

Erickson says, " Ellmers, according to multiple sources, persuaded a number of women in the House Republican Conference to walk away from the bill to ensure it could not pass. Then she declared she'd vote for it once she was sure it could not pass."

She would have known in 2013 when she voted for the identical bill that it would not pass the Senate because the Democrats were in majority at that time.

Erickson says, "It was a two-faced ploy that worked."

While thousands of honest pro-life folks marched through the streets of America's Capitol, standing for life, some of the representatives whom they have elected were scurrying up and down the corridors of Congress betraying the very people who sent them there, leaving them out in the cold.

Those out in the cold have their love of Life and its Creator to keep them warm. They have their passion for righteousness.

Ellmers told the Standard, "I have a very pro-life district, and I'm very pro-life. I will vote for this [even] if it doesn't change"----sure, now that it is safely back on the shelf---at least for awhile.

House leadership, to their credit, are promising to bring it back. I believe they will.

Voters support this particular legislation by a 2-1 margin.

The Standard notes that pro-abortion Democrats had not even raised the objection Ellmers has raised on the previous vote.

John McCormack with the Weekly Standard points out, "By creating controversy where none previously existed, Ellmers and other dissenters have ensured that Democrats will attack the reporting requirement."

Indeed they will.

Ellmers has pulled a similar betrayal on the issue of immigration.

Erickson says, "Hopefully, between this and her immigration betrayal, someone in Rep. Renee Ellmers district will begin to campaign to unseat her.

Although Ellmers has in the past taken public positions against Planned Parenthood, however, Wednesday evening Planned Parenthood put out a statement praising Ellmers for her courage.

If you would like to communicate with her, you can call Rep. Ellmers office at (202) 225-4531. Or drop her a note at 406 West Broad Street, Dunn, NC, 28334.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Prayerful. Be Blessed.