Friday, April 17, 2015

ABC/Disney Features Seattle's Christian Bashing Dan Savage In Family Sitcom

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ABC and its parent company Disney has announced it is moving ahead to produce and air a new sitcom titled "Family of the Year" featuring Seattle's own Christian bashing, homosexual, atheist activist Dan Savage.

The script for the new show was created by Savage and is loosely based on his life.

Savage needs no introduction to those living in Seattle, Washington or the Northwest. He has infamously seized every opportunity to publicly mock Christians and our beliefs in the most vile and hateful ways.

As ABC/Disney roll out plans for the new show, Christians across the country are becoming acquainted with Savage. And they're furious that ABC/Disney would even consider a program featuring him, much less celebrate him.

Monica Cole, director of "One Million Moms," says, "Savage has spared no one with whom he disagrees from his vitriolic hate speech."

Cole and other national Christian organizations are taking pro-active steps to persuade ABC and Disney to drop the show before it goes to air.

We can help.

Monica Cole says, "A perusal of Dan Savage's work reveals a career built on advocating violence---even murder---and spewing hatred against people of faith."

Many of us remember his attack of Christian kids at a public school sponsored journalism convention in Seattle a couple of years ago. I wrote an article about it at the time.

He began publicly mocking those high school students who believed in the Bible, telling them to "ignore the bull sh-t in the Bible. Several hundred Christian kids stood up and walked out of the convention while he was speaking to the near 3000 in attendance.

This was not an isolated event, it's what he does.

You can do a couple of things.

First you can call Disney/ABC President Ben Sherwood and ask him to cancel plans to air the show "Family of the Year."

His office number is 877-660-5301.

You can also join Monica Cole in her effort with the One Million Moms.

Family Research Council and Media Research Center are also involved in an effort to get Disney/ABC to drop the show.

This link directs you to sign Cole's petition and to call both Fred Langhammer, a director of the Walt Disney Company, and Monica Lozano, also a director. Both of their phone numbers are listed.

This link also provides a video clip produced by Family Research Council, of some of the vile and explicit attacks by Dan Savage toward Christians and Christianity.

Dr. Thomas Williams has written a detailed and explicit account of some of the public comments Savage has made toward Rick Santorum, Dr. Ben Carson, Carl Romanelli and others.

While Savage's abusive comments are very explicit, as an adult you should be informed.

Finally, and most importantly, pray that God will intervene in this matter before young hearts and minds are scarred by this kind of trash being presented under the banner of Disney.

God help us.