Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Iranian Nuke Deal "Stunning Historic Mistake"

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Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu says President Obama's "deal" with Iran is a "stunning historic mistake."

The Prime Minister says, "While negotiators were closing the deal in Vienna, Iran's supposedly moderate president chose to go to a rally in Tehran, and at this rally, a frenzied mob burned American and Israeli flags and chanted 'Death to America and Death to Israel'."

President Obama told the world, "Iran's path to a nuclear weapon has been cut off."

Iranian President Rouhani told his nation and the world on live television, "God has accepted the nation's prayers."

Netanyahu is not the only one concerned about this "deal."

Netanyahu also said, "In a decade, this deal will give an unreformed, unrepentant and far richer terrorist regime the capacity to produce many nuclear bombs, in fact, an entire nuclear arsenal with the means to deliver it---What a stunning mistake."

And he added, "We will always defend ourselves."

Iran's President Hassan Rouhani told a live television audience, "All our objectives have been met" and this deal will lift "inhumane and tyrannical sanctions" that have caused years of economic distress.

Israel has every reason to be concerned, and they are not the only nation expressing grave concern.

Here in America, the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Representative Devin Nunes (R-CA) says this deal will secure Iran's pathway to a bomb and add to its capability to terrorize the West and the Middle East.

He says, "I don't know what information the Obama administration possesses that indicates this deal will actually prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon or will cause the mullahs to reduce their support for worldwide terrorism, but it sure isn't the same intelligence we're seeing from the intelligence committee."

William Kristol, with the Weekly Standard, summed it up like this:

We have a deal. It's a deal worse than even we imagined possible. It's a deal that gives the Iranian regime $140b in return for ... effectively nothing: no dismantlement of Iran's nuclear program, no anytime/anywhere inspections, no curbs on Iran's ballistic missile program, no maintenance of the arms embargo, no halt to Iran's sponsorship of terror.
It's obviously a very good deal for the Iranian regime. It's a very bad deal for America. So Congress should rise to the occasion. Congress should engage in a full and comprehensive debate; Congress should then pass a resolution of disapproval; Congress should then override President Obama's veto, and return America's Iran policy to dealing from a position of strength rather than supplication.
If this happens, historians will look back and say July 14, 2015, was the bottom, the nadir, from which America went on to recover. If Congress cannot override the president, the recovery will have to begin a year and a half from now, but from a deeper hole, a worse position for America, the Middle East, and the world.
Either way, this deal cannot stand.

Both Israel and the United States are more vulnerable as a result of this "deal."

Last Sunday, Pastor Greg Laurie shared with his more than 15,000 member congregation, "The United States needs Israel more than Israel needs the United States."

He said God has said that "He will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel."

"One of the reasons God has blessed the United States is because of our support to Israel," he added.

He said, "What is common between the enemies of Israel and the enemies of the United States is that they are radical Islamists, and their objective is to establish a Caliphate through jihad and rule through Shariah."

He discussed several prophetic biblical verses, while explaining, "The Bible prophecy is not to scare us, but to prepare us..."

I encourage you to read the overview of his sermon at the link above.

And keep in mind, everything is under His control.

Be Expectant. Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Prayerful.