Monday, October 05, 2015

Seattle Police Expand "Hate Crimes" Enforcement

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A Seattle Police Department program targeting hate crimes is now being exported to other communities in the state.

The Department of Justice is, not surprisingly, taking notice with an interest in further expanding the program.

The "Safe Place" program, known for its rainbow decals and stickers, started in Seattle last spring.

While it is presented as creating a "safe place" for everyone, the primary focus is hate crimes against homosexuals.

Does the program create a "safe place" for everyone, or is it a further affront to those who do not embrace the homosexual agenda?

Seattle is exporting its "Safe Place" program to Vashon Island. The "Safe Place" program was started in Seattle last spring as a way to prevent and deal with hate crimes. The program is synonymous with the homosexual community and their rainbow symbols and colors. Decals, stickers, etc. promote the safe place environment.

Seattle Police Officer Jim Ritter joined King County Sheriff's Michelle Bennett to introduce the Island to the "Safe Place Program."

King 5 wondered why Vashon Island would be a target for hate crimes protection. "Vashon Island, known for its quaint shops and peaceful living, is not the first place you'd think of when it comes to hate crimes," they report.

Apparently King 5 is not the only one wondering about it.

Officer Ritter says, "I think some of the people on Vashon wondered why we were coming here."

Here's how Captain Bennett explains the program to businesses: "The responsibilities for you and your employees are to allow any victim of a crime, especially of a hate crime to call 911, and to allow them a safe place to stay until the police arrive."

That's great as long as the safe place is available to all---not only homosexuals.

Jim Marsh, executive director of the Vashon Island Chamber of Commerce, told King 5, "Until everybody feels safe we can't take safety for granted. If there is one or two people who benefit from this, that's great."

You would think pretty much everybody would already feel safe, because there has only been one "hate crime" reported in the past 2 years, and Vashon Island now has the highest percentage of homosexual couples in the state.

Bennett says that doesn't matter---"How many hate crimes go unreported?"--- "We want people to know they can report them and we will respond."--- "It doesn't mean the island is immune to intolerance."

This suggests that the real goal of the program is directed toward those whom the homosexual community feels are intolerant.

Over time we have learned that anyone who disagrees with their behavior and agenda are "intolerant."

Officer Ritter told the high school students he wants them to know "they don't have to tolerate biased behavior..."

I personally, do not now, nor have I ever believed anyone, for any reason, should be bullied.

This includes Christians, who, because of their deeply held beliefs in biblical teaching, do not accept the homosexual lifestyle---or their agenda, and because of their conscience cannot and will not affirm or celebrate the lifestyle.

In the "Safe Place" world, this constitutes both intolerance and bias.

There is not a stronger expression of intolerance than that of the homosexual community directed at biblical Christians who disagree with the behavior because of their deeply held biblical beliefs.

This move appears to be one more incremental step in the silencing of biblical Christians and conservatives who do not embrace the gay agenda.

Make no mistake. Homosexual activists, including Seattle's mayor and former lawmaker, have incrementally redefined marriage in regard to state law, while instituting laws meant to enforce their "new normal" for family, marriage and morality----regardless of what anyone else may believe.

The group who proudly wave the "Tolerance" banner, have come to be the most "intolerant."

They would rather put a Christian baker, florist or photographer out of business, than walk down the street a block and choose someone else who may not hold biblical beliefs.

Associated Press reported yesterday afternoon that "Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear's lawyers are using the words 'absurd,' 'forlorn' and 'obtuse' to describe the legal arguments a county clerk has used to avoid issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples."

If this is merely a "legal" matter as they claim, is it necessary to call the Christian woman's response absurd, forlorn and obtuse?

This would be the same Kim Davis who has already spent a week in jail, having been mocked and bullied by those who disagree with her biblical beliefs.

Davis' lawyer Matt Staver sent this out yesterday:

Before the media knew that Pope Francis had a private visit with Kim Davis when he thanked her for her "courage" and urged her to "stay strong," the Pontiff had a stirring conversation with Terry Moran of ABC News. Aboard the Papal plane returning to Rome, he told Moran that conscientious objection is a basic human right, even for government officials: 
"Conscientious objection is a right that is a part of every human right. It is a right. And if a person does not allow others to be a conscientious objector, he denies a right. Conscientious objection must enter into every juridical structure because it is a right, a human right. Otherwise we would end up in a situation where we select what is a right, saying 'this right that has merit, this one does not.' It (conscientious objection) is a human right." 
The ABC News Chief Foreign Correspondent asked if that includes government officials as well, and the Pope reiterated that conscientious objection is a core human right: "It is a human right and if a government official is a human person, he has that right," Pope Francis affirmed.

Activists in the homosexual community, for the most part, do not seek mere "safety," they aspire to an environment where their behavior is affirmed and celebrated, and God's Word is either revised or eliminated from public discourse. And those who do not comply are punished by force of law under the guise of "hate."

This "intolerant" goal is advanced under the guise of "tolerance." And "fairness."

Not all homosexuals are activists. But among those who are, the following M.O. has become common:

They have adopted the following tactics with the goal of forcing their beliefs on society:

  • eliminating free speech by harassing and attempting to silence anyone who disagrees with them;
  • preying on children by indoctrinating and recruiting them into their lifestyle; particularly through public education;
  • imposing their beliefs on others through activist judges and lawmakers requiring that everyone actively promote homosexuality in every institution (schools, workplace, churches, etc.);
  • destroying marriage and undermining the traditional family in order to remove any moral standard of behavior;
  • intolerance toward anyone who does not willingly submit to their agenda;
  • fighting for a discriminatory and unconstitutional double standard of justice by demanding that crimes against homosexuals be punished more severely than the same crimes against heterosexuals through 'hate crimes' legislation; and
  • deceptively portraying homosexuality as a harmless and victimless behavior.

Be Informed. Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Strong. Be Prayerful.