Thursday, December 03, 2015

Miami: When Righteousness Prevails...

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One hour after an abortion clinic closed down, a pro-life group signed a 2-year lease to set up a pro-life center in the building---even though they did not have the lease money in the bank.

The pro-life center is located in a county that is number one in the nation for abortions and abortion providers, per capita.

The miracle, and the inspiring circumstances that led to it.

Heartbeat of Miami now has 4 locations at which to counsel women with unplanned pregnancies.

Executive Director Martha Avila says the latest office has quite a history.

It was actually an abortion clinic for more than 20 years.

One hour after the abortion clinic was closed down, she was able to sign a 2-year lease to open a pro-life clinic.

While this is actually the second time this group has been able to move into a former abortion clinic, how this opportunity came about is a miracle.

The story begins like this: "At 1 PM this Halloween, 'Top Gyn Ladies Center' near Little Havana in Miami made its last dollar from abortion."

"An hour later, Martha Avila signed a lease on the building..."

Avila says, "We went in when they had already left for the day, and I must tell you, it was such a sad feeling to see instruments there and to know what had gone on for so long in this building."

When Heartbeat of Miami first opened its doors in 2007, it was the first known pro-life pregnancy center in Miami-Dade County, compared to 37 abortion clinics. Since they arrived on the scene, 3 abortion clinics have been forced to close due to lack of business.

When the chance came to move into this former abortion facility in October, Avila called John Ensor, now president of Passion Ministries, but formerly head of Heartbeat International. He had been the one who brought Avila and her associate Pernia on board with Heartbeat in 2007.

The two prayed together, asking God to give them clarity as to whether they should or not pursue the opportunity.

The budget was already very tight since Heartbeat Miami had several other clinics operating, but they felt God was leading them to go ahead---lease the building---God would provide.

She signed the lease.

Sol Pitchon, President of New Life Solutions in Tampa Bay, was holding his annual fund raising banquet on October 22. He heard about the step of faith that Avila had taken.

He mentioned it to those attending the Oct. 22 event. He told the donors to his ministry he felt led to mention this need which wasn't directly related to New Life Solutions.

Following the event a young businessman who supports New Life Solutions came forward and said he felt the Lord was directing him to also give $2,000 a month to Heartbeat of Miami to cover the lease payments for the first year.

Avila says, "Talk about being led by the Holy Spirit..."

This newest Heartbeat facility opens this month. It is located in the area that has the most abortions and abortion clinics per capita in the United States. It is 2 miles from historic Miami High School and the InterAmerican campus of Miami-Dade College---in Little Havana---"Right where we always wanted to be," Avila says.

Avila told One News Now that Heartbeat's track record "is one where 85% of women come into its pro-life pregnancy centers looking for an abortion. But after counseling, 92% of those decide to give their babies life instead."

In its eight year history, Heartbeat of Miami has saved the lives of more than 19,000 babies.

Avila says, "As you can imagine, it's a triumph for our Lord and Savior."


Be Blessed. Be Pro-Active.