Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Jeb: Scalia's Replacement "Not Really Important"

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While secular progressives celebrated Supreme Court Justice Scalia's death, Christians and conservatives prayed that our elected officials will have enough courage to defeat President Obama's far Left Progressive Supreme Court nomination that is soon to come.

There is little ambivalence on the matter because so very much hangs in the balance.

Little ambivalence that is, except with Jeb Bush.

When CNN asked him about it all Sunday morning, the man who wants be president said, "It's really not important to me."

Over the weekend, long time Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia passed away while on a hunting trip.

Appointed by President Reagan, Scalia had served for 3 decades and was one of the conservative movement's most important leaders.

He believed in the Constitution.

His death is a loss to America, constitutional law and common sense.

As most of us know, his passing opens the opportunity for President Obama to put the knife in the conservative heart of the Court by appointing one more far Left Progressive tilting the Court Left for perhaps decades.

Does anyone in America---Left or Right, Conservative or Progressive---think this is not an important moment?

Actually, yes.

Sunday morning, while being interviewed by CNN, presidential candidate Jeb Bush was asked how he felt about President Obama appointing another Supreme Court Justice---and should Republicans attempt to block his appointee.

Jeb responded, "It's up to Mitch McConnell, that's not really important to me."

Fortunately it "is" important to most everyone else, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Shortly after the news of Scalia's passing, McConnell made it very clear he will use his power to ensure whoever President Obama nominates as a replacement will either not be confirmed, or won't get a vote.

McConnell and the Senate have the constitutional authority to do so.

It's difficult to understand how this is "not important" to someone who wants to be president.

By Sunday evening---about 24 hours later, it had become "important" to Jeb.

The Hill was reporting, "Bush is now urging Senate to block Obama's SCOTUS nominee."

And by yesterday morning, candidate Bush had discovered himself.

He told NBC, "I am taking a position."

He said, "If there is an up-or-down vote, it should be rejected based on the history of how President Obama selects judges."

Some say this was merely an initial political miscalculation on the part of Bush. If that is true, it's worse than previously thought.

This past Saturday night at the GOP debate, a number of the candidates, who had just learned of Scalia's passing, were calling for the Republican Party to block any move by Obama to install another far Left social engineer on the Supreme Court. Bush distanced himself from those candidates suggesting Obama shouldn't nominate anyone given the short amount of time left in his presidency.

This issue is bigger then Jeb Bush. In fact, I believe it will be a defining issue in the presidential campaign going forward.

My friend Bryan Fischer with American Family says, "President Obama will try to force through a replacement of his choosing, and will put forward a judicial midget with severely activist leanings. He has promised not to use a recess appointment to temporarily fill the slot, but the Senate cannot afford to go into recess long enough to give him the chance."

Fischer and others are warning conservatives to be prepared for the shrill rhetoric from progressives telling us all how inexcusable it is to leave a Supreme Court seat unfilled at this critical time in our nation's history, and that he gets to choose because "elections have consequences."

Republicans cannot give this one away. They absolutely must stand.

As Fischer points out, if "all 54 Republicans hang together it will be impossible for the president to confirm a legislative activist to the bench. And given the mood of the GOP base, if they do so not hang together on this, they most assuredly will hang separately on November 8."

The idea of waiting on a nominee is not new, nor will it destroy our nation.

In fact, Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer advocated in 2007 that President George W. Bush not be allowed any nominees 18 months before he left office.

And under President Tyler, a Supreme Court seat went unfilled for 835 days. He sent 9 successive nominations to the Senate, all of whom were rejected---by his own Party.

The last time a justice was confirmed in an election year with a divided government, as we have today, was in 1880. The sky will only fall if the Republicans cave on this one.

This is a battle that must be fought. And must be won.

Be Informed. Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Prayerful.