Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Trump Is President

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The Electoral College voted yesterday, affirming the vote of the November election.

Donald J. Trump will be the 45th President of the United States.

Congress is scheduled to convene in a joint session on January 6th to certify the results of the Electoral College vote, with vice-President Joe Biden presiding as president of the Senate. Trump is be sworn in on January 20.

Some personal thoughts on the results of the elector's vote, including responses from Washington State---and comments by Robert Knight, a senior fellow at the American Civil Rights Union, as to why our Founders did not set up a system of directly electing presidents.

The New York Times, reported last night: "The Electoral College has affirmed Donald J. Trump as the nation's 45th president, pushing him past the 270-vote threshold for the election, with scant evidence of the anti-Trump revolt among electors that some of his critics had hoped would occur."

The NY Times would be one of the "critics" that had hoped a revolt would occur.

Indeed, Trump was "pushed past the 270-vote threshold" with 304 electors voting for him by last night with a couple of states left to report, he is well past the number of elector votes needed.

Ironically, Hillary had more defectors, or "faithless voters" as they are called, than did Trump.

Over the weekend a private memo had been circulating among the anti-Trump forces reporting that as many as 34 Republicans were going to break their agreement and vote for someone other than Trump.

That didn't happen.

Although the organization behind the "Never Trump" movement (Americans Take Action) admitted they had hoped for more revolt, only 2 Republican electors defected---both in Texas. However, it was Texas that put Trump over the 270 number.

The 2 electors who broke promise and voted against Trump, both from Texas---one voted for Republican Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who neither endorsed Trump nor voted for him---the other defector voted for Rand Paul.

Hillary Clinton lost 4 votes---twice the number of Trump.

All 4 were from Washington State. Three voted for former Secretary of State Colin Powell and one voted for Native American tribal leader Faith Spotted Eagle.

While the Washington State electors distinguished themselves as the "fearsome 4" breaking their promise and "not" voting for Hillary, Seattle Mayor Ed Murray was writing a defiant column in the New York Times declaring to the world that Seattle (The PI calls it Gotham) is a "sanctuary city" and a "hate free zone" promising to defend "these values."

The Seattle PI reported last night that "The mood in the Democratic heartland of Seattle has more to defy than to seek any understanding or accommodation of trends that gave Trump his shocking victory in November."

Interestingly, Trump received less than 10% of the vote in Seattle---Hillary won King County 718,312 to 216,339.

However; Trump won 27 of Washington's 39 counties, including Democratic Grays Harbor, Pacific, Cowlitz and Mason Counties.

As Trump was securing his victory across the nation in the Electoral College, Gov. Inslee, not to be outdone, was telling the press, "The electoral College has not taken away our right to speak out against hate" and declaring the entire state to be a "Hate Free Zone."

He said, "Today I stood with leaders from across our state to declare Washington a Hate Free Zone. Join us as we stand against fear and division."

Sadly, while Inslee may have believed he was speaking on behalf of and "to" the state, he was only speaking for the 12 counties that did not vote for Trump.

Earlier in the day he had stood with 3 far Left progressive Seattle politicians---Jayapal, who is replacing McDermott, US Rep. Adam Smith and King County Executive Dow Constantine.

His words are hardly more than an echo of the true Gotham

Inslee, as you likely know, has been a fierce critic of Donald Trump, at one point mocking Trump by promising to build a wall around Washington State to keep Trump out.

Robert Knight told One News Now  the "never Trump" folks have known all along it would be impossible to overturn the Electoral College---"they couldn't possibly get that many defectors to make a difference."

He says, "While many on the Left has crowed that Mrs. Clinton should be president because she won the popular vote, it's fortunate that America's Founding Fathers didn't set up a system of directly electing presidents."

"Direct democracy tends to concentrate power," he says. "In this case, if you just went to a popular vote then whomever captured millions of votes in New York or California---and [in other] liberal centers where they could do ample ballot-box stuffing---would be the president, and would ignore the rest of America."

Knight says that's why America is a "republic" and not a direct democracy.

He says, "The real objective of the attempt to get electors to vote against Trump is to discredit his victory and cast doubt about its legitimacy."

Many are suggesting that we finally have all this behind us and we can move on and come together as a country.

That would be terrific. Let's pray that happens.

However, it should not happen at the expense of conservatives compromising their values for the sake of a so-called "unity."

The tantrums of the far Left will continue in the coming 4 years. I personally believe it may intensify.

If conservatives and Christians stand firm on the Judeo Christian values and principles upon which this country was founded, I truly believe America's best days are just ahead.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Prayerful. Be Blessed.