Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Progressive "Educayshun" Caught In The Act at WA Evergreen College

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Olympia's Evergreen State College had scheduled an "A Is For Anti-Bias" class that teaches how to head off discriminatory, sexist, misogynistic and gender-normative behavior in toddlers---3 to 6 years old, before its to late.

After push back from the community, Evergreen has "postponed" but not canceled the event.

Those who pushed back did so for good reason.

I spoke to the administration at Evergreen yesterday and found their response to be interesting.

You should be informed. "A is For Anti-Bias" is a national effort to indoctrinate toddlers by weaving political correctness into the fabric of their values.

The class was to specifically cover how to indoctrinate toddlers---pre-kindergarten, against inherent bias before it's to late.

Heat Street, an organization that monitors such things, says, "The presentation includes handouts, group activities, and homework that will help cure your young children of any attachment they have to rational thought."

According to the promo material from Evergreen, the class was to be taught by a grad student who, according to the event page, is "engaged in education activities focused on inclusion and equity."

The event itself was (and will be if rescheduled) sponsored by the organization, "Teaching for Change."

Teaching for Change holds workshops across the country for both parents and educators, and it provides an abundance of at-home resources available on their website.

There is even a set of lesson plans to help you, the parent, teach your toddlers how to build an active resistance to President Trump and his Administration's agenda.

Conservative parents: Much can be learned from reviewing the notes at the link above. It is also a blueprint that finds its way into the public classroom where your toddlers will so be attending---unless you choose another path for educating your child.

The teaching materials for the ant-Trump teaching have been developed by Howard Zinn's teachings and the Zinn project. Zinn is well known for providing "alternative history" texts, which, as you can imagine, are becoming more and more used on public education campuses.

In the lesson plans for "Teaching After The Election of Trump" we read, "The Zinn Education Project stands in solidarity with those who have denounced Donald Trump's racism, misogyny, xenophobia, and Islamophobia---as well as his ignorant and deadly proposals about the environment and climate change. We have been encouraged by the young people---in our classrooms and in our streets---who are living the maxim that 'people make history'."

The Zinn Education Project continues: "As we have tried to make sense of this election and what it means for educators and our students, we have asked ourselves, 'What would Howard Zinn say?'."

Who is Howard Zinn?

Zinn was a political science professor at Boston University. He wrote more than 20 books, including his bestselling and most influential book, "A People's History of the United States."

The book was so popular among far Left progressives it has been considered a cultural icon by many liberals and has been used extensively as a high school history text in public schools and a reference for many history assignments. And it's still in use.

It has also informed a number of historical documentaries and has inspired a national effort to promote his approach to history called the Zinn Education Project.

The problem with Zinn---well, the two main problems with Howard Zinn, who died in 2010, is that he had a disposition toward revising history to fit his ideology---and the other problem was that he always majored historically on America's failures. He looked at the Constitution from the slaves point of view, of Andrew Jackson as seen by the Cherokees, of the Civil War as seen by the New York Irish, etc.

Can you recall a recent US President who also looked at America's history through the same lens and went to great lengths to obsessively apologize for America---especially when he was in foreign countries.

Barack Obama is a student of Zinn's teachings and ideology.

Rick Santorum, as a presidential candidate, railed on public education's failure, pointing specifically to Zinn's book being used by teachers in the classroom, calling him an "anti-American Marxist" who should not be influencing our kids in the classroom.

Yes, Santorum is a conservative, but Rutgers University historian David Greenberg is not. He's a liberal.

Greenberg has written about Zinn in The New Republic: "By his late teens, his reading had veered into politics, especially Marxism." He says historians are divided over whether or not Zinn ever formally joined the Communist Party, "but there is no doubt that his politics were---and remained---left wing until his death in 2010."

And Greenberg is a Left wing secular progressive liberal.

Back to Olympia---Evergreen State College---"A is for Anti-Bias."

I spoke to the administration yesterday at Evergreen State College. They assured me they will reschedule the "A is for Ant-Bias" class in the near future.

When I asked why the class had been canceled, Tallie told me there was a misunderstanding in the community about what the class was intended to accomplish. "It was taken out of context of what we intended to accomplish," she said.

I don't know what Evergreen intended to accomplish, but I am certain that the Zinn approach to history is a long way from what Founding Father Noah Webster had in mind when he instituted what we today call public education.

The first 150 years of American education was just that---education---as Webster and most other Americans envisioned it.

Howard Zinn wrote in his "A People's History of the United States"--"There is a tendency to think that what we see in the present moment will continue. We forget how often we have been astonished by the sudden crumbling of institutions, by extraordinary changes in people's thoughts, by unexpected eruptions of rebellion against tyrannies, by the quick collapse of systems of power that seemed invincible."

The Zinn Project leaders follow up these words with this, directed to teachers: "No doubt, still reeling from this poisonous election, it is hard to be hopeful. But we invite you to draw on curriculum at the Zinn Education Project to help your students make sense of this new context."

They conclude with this quote from Howard Zinn: "People who seem to have no power, whether working people, people of color, or women---once they organize and protest and create movements---they have a voice no government can suppress."

Now, with the influence of Karl Marx and his cultural Marxism through advocates like Howard Zinn, and others, Webster's public education has become little more than "progressive educayshun" --a social engineering project that majors in revising history, remaking America and destroying our social institutions in the process---committed to indoctrination rather than education.

Be informed. Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Bold.