Thursday, April 13, 2017

Google To Answer The Question--"What Is Truth?"

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Google says the demand for "truth," as opposed to "fake news," is so significant that they are launching a worldwide "Fact Check" to help people everywhere to know the truth.

And they announced Friday they are looking to news organizations like CNN, The Washington Post, NBC, CBS and The New York Times to provide the "truth."

Using these sources seem much like the sources Pilate used just prior to the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ when he infamously asked, "What is Truth?"

Liberty Headlines says, "Google announced Friday that they are putting CNN, The Washington Post and the New York Times in charge of fact-checking news."

And they say, "Searchers will know who checked the validity of a news story and the conclusion they arrived at."

However, they add, while the growing list does include these famous names, there are others as well.

Already a little confusing.

It does appear, however, because of the way they have set up the rating system, these far Left news sources will indeed play a significant role in determining what is "truth" and what is "fake" news.

Google says the Fact Check tag "identifies articles that include publishers and fact checking organizations," and that each Fact Check snippet "will display information on the claim, who made the claim, and the fact check on that particular claim."

They explain that the rating systems will rank stories from 'true' to 'false,' but will also denote stories it finds "partly true" and "partly false."

"Searchers will also have the option," they say, "via hyperlink in the snippet, to review the fact-checkers' content on the same subject."

This, of course, leads one to ask, who are the fact-checkers?

Google says, "Only publishers that are algorithmically determined to be an authoritative source of information will qualify for inclusion."

This then will be the latest incarnation of Fact Check: A rating system for the corporate media, by the corporate media. Which will then gather more personal information from the users, while directing the individual to their own view on the matter.

At best this is creative, at worst it's one more misleading and deceptive bits of information.

It was Pilate (John 8:38) during the sham trial of Jesus Christ, who infamously and scoffingly asked, "What is truth?"--- suggesting truth cannot be known for sure.

Most people ponder that question at some point in their life, especially at those critical points when they are struggling to find meaning and purpose for their lives.

There can be no real meaning in life without ultimate truth. That's why this generation is confused on so many fronts.

The notion of absolute"Truth" has been so attacked by progressive and relative beliefs in this generation, that some scoff at the idea that it even exists.

Yet, we instinctively know, somehow, that truth exists and it is somehow related to God. Because it is. And He made us.

That's why we keep wondering and seeking.

God's message to man is the Bible. The Bible is composed of 66 separate books, written by as many as 40 different authors over a span of more than 1000 years, yet there is profound consistency in its message. The New Testament is composed of 27 books written by 9 authors over a span of about 50 years, from 50 AD to 100 AD.

The Bible, God's Word, is the truth. Jesus Christ was "the Word that became flesh."

He did not come to "teach the truth"---He said, "I am the Truth..."

Pontius Pilate was the Roman governor who looked into the eyes of Jesus and asked, "What is truth?"

Pilate was talking to the truth. He was talking to God in the flesh---the one through whom the worlds were created, but did not recognize the truth.

Jesus had already said, "You will know the truth and the truth will set you free," but the truth was not setting Pilate free that day because he didn't honesty want to know it. He simply wanted to create his own truth.

A reflection of our own times.

So there, in his governor's palace, while history held its breath with Truth standing right in front of him, Pilate flippantly asked, "What is truth?"

He never knew. The human heart unwilling to submit to the truth will never know the truth.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Hopeful.