Monday, April 10, 2017

Seattle Times "Explains" Why They Refused to Report Ed Murray Story For 9 Years

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As you likely know---especially if you live in the Northwest, a lawsuit was filed last week against Seattle Mayor Ed Murray alleging sexual abuse of a teenager.

Other similar allegations have been made regarding Murray, beginning in 2008.

The Times has been aware of these allegations since 2008 but chose not to report on them.

Now the Times has been forced to do so.

Yesterday, Seattle Times managing editor Michele Matassa explained why they have refused to report on the story for the past 9 years.

The article begins with, "In March 2008, The Seattle Times received a phone call from a man claiming Ed Murray sexually abused him as a child. The man, Jeff Simpson, also called various lawmakers and other media organizations, making the same claims."

I was one of those contacted at the time. I shared the information we received with 5 state legislators and mentioned it to Janet Tu and Andrew Garber at the Seattle Times.

An earlier Seattle Times story initially reported the lawsuit.

The Times says they "investigated allegations made by Simpson and another man, Llyod Anderson, seeking documentation or witnesses to corroborate their accounts" and found, among other things, "an attorney for Simpson had withdrawn."

The Times then says this:

We decided we needed to take another look when we learned recently that a Kent man was preparing to sue now-Mayor Murray. 
A lawsuit of this nature against a public official is news. 
When a claim is filed in court, the justice system assures the accused of a thorough public examination of any evidence that is presented, along with the opportunity to present a full defense. The filing of the lawsuit is also, in itself, a matter of public interest. 
When we learned this lawsuit was pending, we therefore began looking into the new allegations, along with the earlier ones. We found no connection between the new accuser, identified in the lawsuit as D.H., and the other men. Our reporting revealed similarities among the three accounts, including some graphic details. We felt readers should know. 
We don’t take these decisions lightly, and make them only after lengthy discussions. We know this is a disturbing story. But we cannot shy away from important stories simply because they make us uncomfortable.

Two takeaways:

1. Most reports, including those from the Seattle Times, are suggesting that this story, regardless of the outcome, will likely cause Ed Murray to fail being elected to a second term as mayor of Seattle. However, it will not change the political identity of Seattle, whomever they may elect as mayor, nor how Seattle would continue to influence statewide elections toward Left progressives in the future.

2. One can only wish the Seattle Times would offer such thoughtful consideration, lengthy discussion, and fairness before publishing "disturbing" stories about conservatives, that do not make them "uncomfortable."

Be Informed. Be Vigilant. Be Discerning.