Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Target Doubles Down--Launches New #TakePride Campaign

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Apparently Target has a learning disability.

After losing more than $1 billion of investor's money (as of last fall) over several issues including their profound commitment to the passions of LGBTQ community, Target Corporation Executive Vice President Laysha Ward now says, "We're making our message loud and clear: Target stands with the LGBT community."

Target is rolling out their June #TakePride campaign, with banners, balloons and rainbow Targets--- and an extensive line of homosexual rainbow themed clothing and durable goods items.

If you visit Target with your child, be prepared to explain what it all means. The message is loud and clear.

American Family Association is taking an additional list of names of people who are no longer shopping at Target to their corporate offices. We will keep you posted regarding their response.

The homosexual community is celebrating: "You will find many of your local stores covered in rainbows"---"It's all part of the retail giant's #TakePride campaign celebrating the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community"---"the launch comes ahead of LGBT Pride Month in June" and "features a variety of rainbow-themed apparel and merchandise, including shirts, hats, swimsuits and beach towels," etc., etc.

The LGBTQ community is publicly thanking Target for standing firm on their commitment to them, including Target's endorsement of so-called "marriage equality" in 2014 and last spring launching gender neutral items (toys and clothes) for kids which, they say "helps parents squash gender norms."

Target Corporation may itself be entering a "new norm."

They drew significant attention from "normal" people when they announced their transgender friendly bathroom policy last year.

Previously, if a man entered a women's rest room at Target or elsewhere, it was a red flag. Now it is simultaneously a "civil right" and a sexual predator's fantasy come true.

Most people understand that sexual crimes are most often crimes of opportunity. Allowing grown men into women and girl's rest rooms and changing rooms greatly increases opportunity for sexual crimes.

The threat to children and the magnet that makes them a Target still remains inside Target stores from coast to coast.

Target officials did not listen when family advocates warned last year that this would expose young girls to peeping Toms and sexual predators.

Christians and conservatives did what we could do. We stopped going to their stores. About a million and a half people signed the American Family Association boycott. Other faith and family based organizations ask their constituents to boycott as well.

Additionally, other normal people didn't sign anything, but simply decided to go elsewhere. Skip Target.

Actions and decisions have consequences.

The consequences are now becoming apparent.

A recent piece in the Wall Street Journal illustrates how Target still doesn't get the point a year later.

Lifesite News notes, "Written from the perspective of a memo that shouldn't have gotten out, the WSJ portrayed a company doing damage control, acting in many ways in the last year to counter falling revenues, and to shore up procedures for release of public statements. Target, though, still believes nothing is wrong and is sticking with its 'transgender' policy" and it's role as banner carrier for the homosexual agenda.

The WSJ report also said, "Target executives have said any lost sales from the boycott weren't significant enough to require reporting to investors. Target's business nonetheless is in a funk. Sales at stores open at least a year have declined for three straight quarters."

Not reporting the truth to your investors can also have consequences.

The Journal says in their report, the company has issued a "gloomy sales outlook" going forward.

Yes, Target has other problems, but to deny that the action Christians and conservatives have taken has had no affect, is nothing more than a statement of denial of the facts. Or an attempt to mislead.

The WSJ quotes Buckingham Research Group analyst John Zolidis who admits the boycott "seemed to matter."

Andy Parrish, with LifeSite, says, "Unlike most boycotts, people have adjusted their lifestyle and they are not going back."

He says. "This is Target's new normal."

Be informed. Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Faithful.