Thursday, September 28, 2017

Who Advised Trump To Endorse Luther Strange? And Why It Matters

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The nation watched the Tuesday election in Alabama--- as we suggested they would in our daily article here Tuesday morning--- because that election was about more than Alabama.

President Trump had joined Mitch McConnell and other Republican elites in endorsing Luther Strange---a so-called moderate, mainstream Republican over Judge Roy Moore, a deeply committed Christian and solid conservative.

Conservatives like Sarah Palin, Steve Bannon and others, who strongly support Trump, campaigned for Moore.

Roy Moore beat Luther Strange by more than 10 points. In politics--a landslide. And an embarrassment to those who endorsed him.

Trump is understandably furious. Who advised the president?

In what is, unfortunately, a pattern, President Trump's son-in-law and advisor Jared Kushner was one--- likely the main one, close to the president who advised him to support a man that most informed conservatives knew could not win against Judge Moore in Alabama.

And should not have won.

John Nolte wrote that Strange was "appointed under shady circumstances" and "is a walking-talking poster child for everything Trump ran against, a good ole' boy, Republican establishment backslapper, strongly backed by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who has done nothing but post failure after failure since Trump was elected."

McConnell, was responsible for at least $10 million being spent on Luther's campaign against another Republican. Other "moderate Republicans" directed additional money to Strange.

I have seen the "moderate Republicans" in Washington State coalesce around moderate to liberal Republican candidates on the premise that "conservatives can't win," while denying support---financial and otherwise, to a more "qualified" conservative Republican candidate. Only to see conservatives not get behind the "chosen" Republican candidate, ensuring a far Left progressive win.

This is a "non-truth" that liberals of both parties seem to embrace, however, in Alabama, there is little to no chance that either Republican would have won in the coming November general election.

Nolte, who supports Trump, says, "For the first time since he stepped into the political arena, Trump did not look like a leader, he looked led... Like he was being 'handled and manipulated'."

Although Trump was not my first choice, I personally voted for Trump and support him.

While I personally believe God allowed Trump to win the election--- politically, he won because of the strength he showed in standing against the very thing he endorsed in this election.

Some who are supporters of Trump say he "did not look like his own man" and "looked out of touch"... "not trusting his instincts anymore...relying on those who have their own agenda."

I have two sons-in-law. I love then both deeply. They are both godly men. I, as most of you, can understand the weight of a close family member---a trusted son-in-law, in giving advice to a father-in-law whom they love.

While Kuschner is Jewish, he seems to be very secular in his thinking and his beliefs. And he is inexperienced.

Remember, it was Jared who advised Trump to fire FBI Director Comey, which resulted in the appointment of Robert Mueller as special counsel that is now relentlessly trying to undermine Trump and his agenda.

I'm not suggesting that Comey is a good guy---in fact, to an outsider like me, he looks unstable, a bit dishonest and on task with his own agenda. I think he deserved to be fired.

Whether firing him was a good political decision is another matter.

However, it was later learned that it was Kushner who advised the president to fire him--- and the reason to do so is troubling.

Son-in-law told father-in-law that firing Comey would be a "political win" for Trump among Democrats.

Jared Kushner has also been influential in advising the president on immigration matters, which some who support the president fear may cause him to back away from some of his campaign promises regarding the issue of illegal immigration.

Kushner also strongly recommended that the president hire Anthony Scaramucci as Chief of Communications. That lasted less than a week. Scaramucci was a disaster.

Hopefully, the president will gain some clarity on these matters and seek more advice from the many godly and experienced men and women in his cabinet and in the White House. And from the pastors and Christian leaders who meet with him regularly.

What can we take from this?

1. Pray specifically that the president will love his son-in-law, but seek more counsel elsewhere. Those close to him say the president recognizes his need for God's help and wisdom. Pray that God will deepen his dependence on the Lord, while seeking counsel from those godly people who serve in his administration.

2. All of us make decisions in our own personal lives. None of us have the visibility, public scrutiny, consequences or weight of being President of the United States. However, our decisions do directly impact our personal lives, and most often the lives of others whom we love and care about.

3. We can remember this wisdom, whether we serve in public office or not:

Proverbs 3:5-7KJV)
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil.

Be Informed. Be Prayerful. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant.