Monday, October 30, 2017

George Washington Plaque Removed From Church He Attended

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Last Thursday, Christ Church in Alexandria, Virginia wrote a letter to the congregation announcing that after consideration, they will be removing a plaque commemorating our First President George Washington, who along with his family, regularly attended the church.

In religious tones, they explained why the Father of our Country, first president, regular attending member, and financial contributor George Washington was no longer welcome.

They publicly announced this decision from the pulpit yesterday.

Reactions... and reasons for the decision.

George Washington was one of the founding members of the church which first opened for services in 1773. He and his family regularly attended for more than 20 years.

He contributed substantially to the church in support of its ministry, including the purchase of a pew for his family---which was the norm at the time the church was founded.

Last Thursday, the church sent out a letter to the membership, explaining and spiritualizing why Washington would be removed from the church he loved, supported, and attended.

They also decided to remove the plaque of another member--- well known American Robert E. Lee.

Yesterday, those in attendance said there was "friction" over the decision. Some said a lot of "friction."

Regardless, the church leadership voted unanimously to dispense of Washington.

The explanation by church leaders went something like this: "The plaques in our sanctuary make some in our presence feel unsafe or unwelcome. Some visitors and guests who worship with us choose not to return because they receive an unintended message."

It is striking that this church's leadership believes anything that makes anyone uncomfortable should be removed. But it isn't surprising.

Unfortunately, this is a trend in too many Christian Churches in our country today. They are more focused on "inclusion," "welcoming," and "comfort," than speaking the "Truth," preaching the gospel, and carrying out the purpose and commandment of Jesus Christ, after whom the "Church" is named.

Jesus Christ, God's only begotten Son, did not die a brutal death on a cross outside the city to make people comfortable. He did so to redeem them from sin and restore them to spiritual wholeness, and give them the gift of eternal life---if they would accept Him as the Son of God---"believe in their heart and confess with their mouth," that He is indeed who He said He was.

How did we get from being commanded to go into all the world and preach the gospel of forgiveness, deliverance, redemption, and restoration to a message of "inclusion," "welcoming," and "comfort" that translates to preaching and teaching in ways that affirm the sin and accommodate the bondage for which Jesus died?

We are so obsessed with being inclusive and welcoming, that revising history and redefining God's Word becomes mutually acceptable compromises.

Committed secular activists tell lies under the guise of honorable intentions because the end justifies the means.

This is true in the culture and, unfortunately, in some churches.

The message in too many churches is "If anything makes someone uncomfortable---remove it. Be silent. Seek comfort at any cost." Even if it involves bending the truth or revising history to accommodate a lie or a certain ideology.

This is a classic example of today's cultural collision between traditional biblical values and secular progressive relativism.

It is the result of Cultural Marxism's "long march through the institutions of the West" for the purpose of destroying the West.

Biblical Christianity emphasizes redemption and forgiveness and restoration, while secular progressivism practices exploitation through relativism, and in this case, some kind of subjective reparation.

This nation was founded by George Washington and his colleagues---our Founding Fathers--upon eternal, biblical principles. They rejected the socialism that Marx and Lenin embraced, and they rejected the European "enlightenment" movement and its secular progressive ideology.

The looked to Scripture to guide their framing of this nation and its institutions.

None of these Founders were perfect people, but their intent and inclination was toward freedom based on biblical faith. The Declaration of Independence is testimony to that belief.

Because of deeply held biblical beliefs, this nation fought a Civil War to right the wrongs of slavery. More than 620,000 Americans gave their lives for that cause---and ultimately because of that belief, our 16th president gave his life as well.

Biblical Faith and Freedom are inseparable because our Founders understood that freedom is "a gift from God," not something bestowed by man or governments.

The leadership of the church in Alexandria says the plaques of Washington and Lee are "relics of another era and have no business in a church that proclaims its motto as 'All are welcome---no exceptions'."

Welcome to what? Selective redemption? Selective affirmation?

A glance at the church website gives the enquirer a run down on their beliefs.

They profess to "believe in the power of the Risen Christ," yet ignore Scripture as they profess to "celebrate the participation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals in all ministries."

In fact, "Virtue on Line," an Episcopalian website that claims to be "The Voice for Global Orthodox Anglicanism," carefully details the celebration of Christ Church ignoring biblical teaching and "reaching an important milestone" when the church blessed the relationship of a same-sex couple in 2014.

Rather than preaching deliverance and redemption and they affirm and celebrate the sin.

The church professes, "We believe that Holy Scripture is the Word of God," yet they publicly profess to stand in opposition to Scripture regarding human sexuality.

They promote the fact that the church "dates back to 1773," but refer to their former member George Washington as a "relic of another era."

The Apostle Paul, another relic from another era, wrote under the anointing of God's Holy Spirit" (II Tim. 3:5)"

"Having a form of godliness but denying its power---And from such turn away."

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Prayerful. Be Bold.