Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Who Are The Bigots? Christians or Atheists?

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Yesterday I told my live radio audience that John Kelly, the man who killed 26 and wounded 20 during Sunday's morning worship service at First Baptist Church in Sutherland, Texas, professed to be an atheist and said he hated Christians "because they are stupid."

With the Texas tragedy dominating the news narrative, a reader of this column in North Carolina sent me an unrelated column from the local Asheville newspaper that makes the case: "If you are a Bible-believing Christian, you are a bigot."

Stupid Bigots.

We mentioned on our live radio program yesterday that a number of church shooter Devin Kelly's former high school classmates say he was an atheist and believed Christians were stupid.

One of his former high school classmates, Nina Rose Nana, said on Facebook, "He was always talking about how people who believe in God were stupid and trying to preach his atheism."

Another Facebook friend said he had just removed Kelly from his Facebook for the same reasons.

I'm certain authorities will sort out all the details and motives as the investigation moves forward.

I am also certain that Kelly's expressed rage against Christians will not be featured in most news reporting because that doesn't sync with most journalist's ideology.

Radio listeners and readers of this daily article often forward local newspaper articles and commentaries to us regarding the topics we talk and write about.

A reader sent this from the Asheville, NC newspaper.

N. John Shore, Jr. writes a regular column titled, "Ask John," in which he answers the difficult questions of life.

This particular column by Shore answers the question: "Does my Bible belief make me a bigot?"

Question: Because I am a Bible-believing Christian, I have no choice but to believe that homosexuality is a sin. I know that opinion wouldn’t make me popular in certain circles, and I’m OK with that. But here’s the thing: I’ve been told, twice now, just for believing what I do about gays and gay marriage, that I am a bigot. A bigot! That’s so crazy and wrong. Do you have any advice for how I should respond the next time someone calls me a bigot just because I choose to believe the word of God?

Shore says, "Here's to equal parts passion and compassion returning to fashion," then proceeds to attack the biblical Christian.

He says, "I'm constrained to say you are most definitely a bigot...You've stated that you believe gay people are morally inferior (for to say 'homosexuality is a sin' is to say exactly that) and that gay people should be denied the same civil rights of all other Americans."

He then reaffirms the old mantra of homosexual activists, claiming that the color of one's skin is equivalent to one's sexual behavior.

Shore explains, "A belief isn't rendered any less bigoted because it is embedded in a larger moral code---like say the Bible. No amount of religious fervor or tradition can make a wrong thing right."

One has to wonder on what moral code does Shore make his determination of right and wrong?

What is his basis for determining who is, and who is not a bigot?

But, he says, all bigots can change.

"Your choice is simple," he says: "Rethink (as millions of Christians before you have done, btw) the notion that God finds gay people morally repugnant, or simply accept that what you believe about gay people makes you, ipso, facto, a bigot."

This, of course, is not true. God sent His Son to die for all sinners. No one is "repugnant" to God, however, our sin is very repugnant, in fact, He cannot look on our sin. This is why Christ died for our sins

Shore instructs his readers that racists and bigots always, eventually, act out on their deeply held beliefs and convictions.

If you give one penny, or any of your time to a church or ministry that you know actively works to restrict or limit gay rights, then you too are a bigot.

If you speak in private or preach in public against homosexuality, then you are a bigot, he says.

Shore is an example of selective morality. That is a hallmark of secular progressivism---and the thinking and teaching of the so-called Christian Left.

Biblical Christianity is the ultimate expression of compassion---all are welcome to receive God's redemption, restoration, and deliverance from our sins---and all of us have sinned.

Which brings me back to the tragedy in Texas.

Shore may be right. Most everyone eventually acts out on their convictions.

Devin Kelly acted out on his convictions by killing Christians while they worshiped God, while N. John Shore, Jr. seems to be trying to destroy the biblical beliefs of uninformed Christians.

Joshua's words are relevant and true..."Chose you this day whom you will serve..."

Be Informed. Be Vigilant. Be Bold. Be Faithful. Be Prayerful. Be Blessed.