Monday, December 04, 2017

Prominent English Pastor Urges Prayers For Prince George To Be Gay

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Sick! And sad!

The New York Times reports, "A prominent Anglican cleric...has urged believers to pray for Prince George---age 4---to find the love 'of a fine young gentleman' when he grows up so as to advance the cause of same-sex marriage in the church."

Meanwhile, little George's father, Prince William, delivered his son's Christmas list to Santa Clause---the boy only wanted one thing---and he says he's been nice, not naughty.

However, the provost of St. Mary's Cathedral in Glasgow, Scotland---the Very Reverend Kelvin Holdsworth, is beyond naughty.

His message to Great Britain is perverted and blasphemous against Scripture and the God who gave us His Word in the form of Scripture.

As disgusting and distasteful as it is, the New York Times is reporting a "prominent Anglican cleric" is asking Brits to pray young George, 3rd in line to the throne in England, will grow up to be gay.

The times says, "While same-sex marriage is permitted by law in most of Britain, the Church of England says on its website 'it remains the case that it is not legally possible for same-sex couples to marry' in its churches."

Holdsworth, whom I don't think is "very reverend" at all, says he is campaigning to expand on the church dropping some of its old beliefs.

Only since 2002 has the Church of England permitted divorced people "in exceptional circumstances," at "the discretion of the parish priests" to marriage in the church.

Traditionally, the Church of England has taught that marriage is for life-- "until death do us part."

With Prince Harry, announcing this weekend that he will marry Meghan Markle, a divorced American actress, in St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle next year, provost Holdsworth felt it was timely for him to push his homosexual agenda.

He told the church's members and the public at large to "pray in the privacy of their hearts (or in public if they dare) for the Lord to bless Prince George with a love, when he grows up, of a fine young gentleman."

He said, "A royal wedding might sort things out remarkably easily, though we might have to wait for 25 years for that to happen."

After his call to prayer was widely reported in Europe over the weekend, many of the traditional clerics in the Church of England expressed outrage---but no real action.

The Reverend Gavin Ashenden, a former royal chaplain, said Holdsworth's comments were un-Christian and to "pray for George to grow up that way" is to "pray in a way that would disable and undermine his constitutional and personal role"---including removing his ability "to produce a biological heir with a woman he loves."

Ashenden called it "an unkind and destabilizing prayer."

He said, "It is the theological equivalent of the curse of the wicked fairy in one of the fairy tales."

The Royal family had no response. And soon to be married Harry and Meghan were in Nottingham on Friday for their first official visit---to raise awareness of HIV/AIDS. And youth violence.

There is more than a little irony in that. And even further irony in that the only thing little 4-year-old George had on his Christmas wish list was a toy police car.

It is a sad sight to see the Christian church twist in the winds of secular, so-called progressivism, as a result of abandoning God's Word in favor of some attempt to be "relevant." Or simply advance a social cause.

It is a pathetic sight to see the Christian Church in denial of the Truth upon which it was birthed---the Word of God. The Word that became flesh and dwelt among us.

Oswald Chambers described the confused theologian:
"There have been prophets and students who handle the Bible like a child's box of bricks; they explain to us the design and structure and purpose; but as time goes on things do not work out in their way at all. They have mistaken the scaffolding for the structure, while all the time God is working out His purpose with great and undeterred patience."

Holdsworth has not only mistaken the scaffolding for the structure but is mocking God.

Paul the Apostle spoke to that futile exercise:
"Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap" (Gal. 6:7).

Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Prayerful. Be Faithful.