I know you know about the thousands who participated in the "March For Our Lives" last weekend in DC---but did you hear about the thousands who participated in the "March For Eternal Life" that ended with placing a cross in a public park last Sunday? That's right--- on public property.
The Dallas Morning Herald reported there were about 3,000 church members and visitors who joined Robert Jeffress, pastor of the 20,000 member First Baptist Church, on a Sunday evening march from downtown Dallas to Klyde Warren Park, "Where they raised a large illuminated cross."
The pastor told the Dallas newspaper they had planned the march more than a year ago.The fact that it fell on the same weekend as the march in DC was "coincidental"--or "perhaps it was province."
Pastor Jeffress, who had appeared on Fox and Friends earlier on Sunday, said: "For the first 150 years of our nation's history, our school children prayed, they read Scripture in school, they even memorized the Ten Commandments, including the commandment 'Thou Shall not kill'."
The pastor, who is often defined as a "pastor who strongly supports President Trump"---and he does---told Christian Post, more than marches and legislation is needed in our world today.
He said, "Focusing on legislation alone to change our country is like putting a bandaid on a cancer [patient]. It doesn't deal with the root problem."
"What is really needed in America," he says, "is a change of heart of people's hearts and only the gospel of Jesus Christ can do that...What we're doing in this march is...we are saying that we believe the only hope for America is faith in Jesus Christ."
The pastor told the press, "This is the week that we are remembering the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, who offers us the only hope of forgiveness and eternal life---that's why we call it 'The March for Eternal Life'."
The Dallas Morning Herald said this:
The pastor, a vocal supporter of President Donald Trump, says spiritual change is the first, but not the only, step in addressing violence. While the church has no official stance, Jeffress says "99 percent of of our people" disagree with the Supreme Court's decision in Engel vs. Vitale that official school prayer is unconstitutional, the ruling against mandatory Bible readings in Abington vs. Schempp, and the decision prohibiting posting the Ten Commandments in public schools from Stone vs. Graham.
And the paper says students at the march agree that spiritual matters are the most important of their concerns.
Sergio Daniel Ramirez and his family joined First Baptist Church 4 months ago---I suspect they may have recently accepted Christ as Savior. Daniel says the church has transformed his personal spiritual life as well as his views on gun legislation and gun ownership.
Hildana Bereket said, "Our youth group focuses more on the things we're dealing with and the things we're seeing in the school system and what's going on in our lives in order to respond in a biblical way."
Another affirmation that speaking to the issues from a biblical perspective does not make people "leave the church."
In fact, that kind of dynamic ministry impacts personal lives and the culture---exactly as Jesus instructed us to do.
With an emphasis of leading people to Christ, then leading them in becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ and God's Word, "And" speaking to the cultural issues of our times is the faithful church.
Hildana said the increase in this year's march attendance reflects the increased attendance in student ministry and outreach programs.
As the thousands arrived at the public park, Pastor Jeffress said, "For the last 70 years, secularists have done everything they can do to have a crusade against public acknowledgment of God in the public square. Secularists have basically engaged in an experiment to say 'Is it possible for America to be good without God?' I will say that experiment has been a dismal failure. We believe that the last 70 years has sent our nation downward spiritually and that it is time for us as Christians to say that we believe that turning back to God is the answer to our nation's problems---not to turn away from God."
He spoke of recent examples of Christians who take a public stance for their faith being publicly shamed---referring to attacks against the faith of people like Vice President Mike Pence, newly appointed Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, and White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow---attacks that were made on network television.
Jeffress said, "We think that it is time for Christians to lovingly and boldly say 'I am not ashamed of the gospel'."
God bless him and all pastors who speak the truth to our culture.
The Gospel is more powerful than government.
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