The Democrats debated in Iowa, Tuesday, the last debate before the February 3 Iowa caucus.
The important thing they wanted Iowans and the rest of us to know is that a woman "can win the presidency" and Pete Buttigieg wants you to know his religion is better than Donald Trump's.
Be informed.
Yesterday was Religious Freedom Day in America. President Trump announced historic steps to protect the constitutional right to pray in public schools. Check out his statement.
President @realDonaldTrump announced historic steps to protect the Constitutional right to pray in public schools!— The White House (@WhiteHouse) January 16, 2020
ABC reports that 2020 presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg, in a pre-Iowa caucus debate this week, said he's prepared to challenge President Donald Trump on religion.
He had been asked if he could stand up to Trump if he were to become the nominee.
He said,
"If a guy like Donald Trump keeps trying to use religion to somehow recruit Christianity into the GOP, I will be standing there not afraid to talk about a different way to answer the call of faith and insist that God does not belong to a political party."
A couple of things come to mind: Apparently, he believes Trump will not be removed from office by the Democrats through impeachment; and he doesn't know much about evangelical Christians and our relationship to the Republican Party.
Let's take a closer look at Pete.
In a Rolling Stone Magazine interview, Pete was asked: "Did you grow up in the church?"
Pete's early influences.
Buttigieg said,
"I really didn't." But went on to say, although his mom is a Catholic and he grew up under the influence of Catholicism, his father was "a Jesuit seminarian, and by some process I don't understand, that involved some years spent in France in the sixties, wound up as a secular intellectual."
Here's what Pete didn't tell Rolling Stone---and he isn't telling the American people.
His father was actually a Marxist professor at Notre Dame, who spoke fondly of the Communist Manifesto and dedicated a significant portion of his academic career to the work of Italian Communist Party founder Antonio Gramsci, an associate of Vladimir Lenin.
He was an adviser to the academic journal, "Rethinking Marxism," that seeks to discuss, elaborate and extend Marxism. He was a member of the editorial collective of "Boundary 2" a journal of postmodern theory, literature, and culture---and often spoke at Rethinking Marxism conferences and other gatherings of prominent Marxists.
Paul Kengor, a professor at Grove City College and an expert in communism and progressivism, said Buttigieg was among "a group of leftist professors who focused on injecting Marxism into the wider culture"---"what is often referred to as 'a long march through the institutions, such as film, media and especially education'." And more recently, religion.
But Pete is not his father. Right?
Pete Buttigieg, an only child, shared a very close relationship with his father. In his memoir, "Shortest Way Home," Pete called his dad a "man of the left, no easy thing on a campus like Notre Dame's in the 1980s."

Pete wrote that while he didn't understand his parents' political discussions as a young child, "the more I heard these aging professors talk, the more I wanted to learn how to decrypt their sentences, and grasp the political back story of the grave concerns that commanded their attention and aroused such fist-pounding dinner debate."
The elder Buttigieg's life is defined by his devotion to Gramsci and his teachings.
Joseph Buttigieg, presidente International Gramsci Society. #GramsciMonument— Manuela Cavalieri (@ManuelaCav) August 10, 2013
In 2013, Buttigieg spoke at a $500,000 outdoor New York City art installation honoring Gramsci.
The father died just days after Pete announced his candidacy for the presidency.
When asked about the father's influence on his son, Lis Smith, Pete's communications director, declined to comment on how the father influenced his son.
However, in an interview with MSNBC last March, Pete said he considers himself a capitalist but that the system needs changes.
Pete said, "The biggest problem with capitalism right now is the way it's become intertwined with power and is eroding our democracy."
He also said that "socialism is a word in American politics that has basically lost all meaning" and "has been used as a kill switch to stop an idea from being talked about."
He has called to abolish the Electoral College system, supports a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants in Obama's DACA programs, and thinks that climate change is a national security threat.
Pete's religion.
Recently a CNN article explained how,
"Progressives all over the country are challenging the fundamentalists' stranglehold on what it means to be Christian. And in Buttigieg, we have an amazing role model whose mere existence as a gay Christian running for president inspires me."
Pete says the Christian right says too much about what Christ said so little about. He applies this principle to abortion and same-sex relations.
And, "the Republican Party likes to cloak itself in the language of religion," he says.
The far-Left Huffington Post, along with many other leftist publications, are doing all they can to make Pete's version of Christianity all Christian's version of Christianity.
Franklin Graham says of Pete's Christianity, "We don't define sin, God does in His Word." And God's Word is clear about Pete's lifestyle and sexual behavior.
Buttigieg, as a homosexual "married" man, is a strong advocate for pro-homosexual or LGBTQ issues. When it comes to issues of abortion, he supports an abortion-on-demand system fully funded by the taxpayers of the United States. According to his statements, women ought to have the right to secure an abortion for virtually any circumstance at any point during a pregnancy.
He fits all of his beliefs into his personal orbit of behavior, gravitating around his openly gay lifestyle coupled with the openness of his version of Christianity.
The national media love this guy even though most know he would never be elected president.
The Washington Post published an article with the headline:
"Faith, not Sexual Orientation, Is What's Most Interesting about Buttigieg."
CNN published this headline:
"Buttigieg is a Symbol for a Rising Christian Left."
The Atlantic published a feature article titled:
"Pete Buttigieg's very public faith is challenging Assumptions."
And USA Today offered this:
"Mayor Pete Buttigieg's Countercultural Approach to Christianity is What America Needs Now."
He not only advocates for a new, modernized brand of Christianity, but argues that Christianity properly understood, always leads to progressivism.
The argument he is putting out there---and the media loves it---is a coercive capitulation, a capitulation that demands evangelical Christians to see the light of progressive reasoning and reject the antiquated dogma of the past.
While conservative Christians hold to the authority of the Bible as God's Word, the Left has demanded a new, "progressive" Christianity.
Buttigieg is their messiah.
Jim Wallis of Sojourners loves the guy. So does Hollywood. And the media.
Even if he doesn't win the Democrat nomination---and he probably won't---he will continue to seek the spotlight and continue to bend the arc of Christian faith away from the Bible and toward progressive goals.
He is the prophet of a new religion, and having read the Scriptures, I can assure you--- he won't be the last.
Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Faithful. Be Prayerful.