Thursday, January 23, 2020

Iowa Democrats Wondering: Woman or Homosexual?

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The Washington Times says, "Pete Buttigieg could be on the losing side of the debate over whether a woman or a gay person is more likely to shatter the glass ceiling in presidential politics."

The first round of voting in the 2020 primary happens in Iowa, and it's just over the horizon.

Progressivism and its identity politics is a heavy burden to bear. Its effect on freedom and liberty can be disastrous.

Be informed.

I'll be talking about the Iowa Caucus and the important aspects of Wednesday's impeachment hearing in the US Senate today on our live radio program. Please join me. Here's how.

Woman vs Gay Man

Elizabeth Warren and Pete Buttigieg appear to be banner carriers for the upcoming Democrat caucus in Iowa.

The Washington Times says, "Pete Buttigieg could be on the losing side of the debate over whether a woman or a gay person is more likely to shatter the glass ceiling in presidential politics."

The Times says, "The political message of the former South Bend, Indiana mayor is hitting home with Democrats across Iowa, particularly in the more conservative areas of the state that are worried about the party moving too far Left."

"Mr. Buttigieg's homosexuality, though, is giving many Iowans cold feet," the Times says.

Grant Dyer and his wife prefer Pete, but worry that "he couldn't beat Trump in an election because he's gay."

Overshadowing the question of whether the nation is ready for a gay president has been a debate over gender and electability. Warren put the subject out front when she accused Bernie Sanders of telling her in private that a woman could not win the White House---which he denies.

The Times, a publication I read quite often, says, "Mr. Buttigieg isn't emphasizing his sexuality." But he is. He's also emphasizing his version of "Christianity."

In fact, he is emphasizing his homosexual behavior in Iowa.

Recently Buttigieg noted that the Iowa Supreme Court made Iowa the third state in the US and the first in the Midwest to legalize same-sex "marriage."

Pete says,
"I'm standing here in a state that 10 years ago---sending a message from right here in the American heartland---made it possible for my marriage to exist, and with your help I might be standing in the state that will make history by making me the next nominee and the next president of the United States."

The Times feature story includes a number of quotes from individuals in Iowa. In every case, it has to do with gender vs sexual behavior.

  • "Perry Miller praised Buttigieg comparing him to John F Kennedy--our first Catholic president. Is homosexuality to be compared to the Catholic faith?
  • Larry Anderson thinks Warren's sex is a great advantage.
  • Joy Olsen, a Warren supporter, says, "There is this woman thing"..."Misogyny is an issue."

Is that really the basis on which we want to choose the next president of the United States?

Progressivism's identity politics is killing us.

David Azerrad, Ph.D., with the Heritage Foundation has written a scholarly and well-informed paper titled, "The Promises and Perils of Identity Politics."

It's a long read, but very informative.

This is his 2-minute summary:

Identity politics is primarily an outgrowth of the black nationalist, Black Power, and women’s liberation movements and has since come to dominate the public square. It combines a focus on race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, and other identitarian categories with a politics of victimization. The cornerstone of the identitarian worldview is the claim that America, contrary to its egalitarian professions of faith, is at its core a supremacist regime that oppresses certain groups. Ultimately, identity politics should be rejected not because it demands justice for those who have been unjustly treated, but because it poses a threat to republican self-government by corroding patriotic ties, fostering hatred, promoting cultural separatism, and demanding special treatment rather than equality under the law.

The Takeaway.

  • In America, identity politics has grown primarily out of the black nationalist, Black Power, and women’s liberation movements of the 1960s and 1970s.
  • Identity politics combines a focus on race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, and other identitarian categories with a politics of victimization.
  • Identity politics poses a threat to republican self-government by corroding patriotic ties and demanding special treatment rather than equality under the law.

The great statesman and Senator Daniel Webster (1782-1852) often reminded his colleagues and his fellow Americans not to "forget the religious character of our origin."

The answers to the issues in our culture today cannot be found in politics. They can only be found in the Truth of God's Word. If we do not turn to God, our actions and errors will continue to tear at our Constitution until it is ultimately destroyed in the name of fairness, identity politics, and multiculturalism.

Webster also said, "The hand that destroys the Constitution rends our Union asunder forever."

Pray for our country.

Pray for the President.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Prayerful.